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Posts posted by Ronald-V

  1. 15 minutes ago, Norway said:

    Pristine work mugje...

    You are so much faster than me with the Pickle build. Can't find as much time for my build as i wish with work and family.

    I'm doing foremast channels now. 

    Very nice to follow your build. 






    Tnx! You're ship also does look great!

    Nice clean work👍

    I have at the moment not a job so a bit more free time 😉

  2. 1 hour ago, SpyGlass said:

    Just catching up  - you are getting along great.

    On the subject of foot ropes here is a pic of the real thing in action - somewhat larger vessel than Pickle of course .image.thumb.jpeg.e7c519762219c3f9be163fe896c8b742.jpegand on a modern vessel about Pickles sizeIMG_0266.jpg.bc37baba3c1572060954586d0e58def6.jpg

    Note the overlap  of sections of foot rope in both

    Tnx Spyglass, and great pics! That's helpful :)

  3. On 11/2/2019 at 1:21 AM, Old Collingwood said:

    Yes please, hard to grasp with photos.



    Offcourse the knots are overscale executed, and probably wrong...but it's more clear I hope. It's the top shroud that rests on the hounds at the top of the mast. Personally I think I need to use the left eye splice?



  4. I will have to make an eye splice in the middle of the rope...let me see if I understand this correct.


    The manual says: "For the foremast, to begin, measure an 850mm length of 0.5mm black thread. Using a length of 0.25mm black thread, form an eye splice at the mid pointof the 850mm length of 0.5mm black thread to form an eye of approximately 6mm in diameter".


    How would attach this eye at the 0.5mm black main thread? Just a loop like this ___!___ with the O on top? Or like -----O-----?

    Maybe I need to shoot some photos to explain... :D

  5. Busy with the ratlines! The first batch ready, it wasn't easy but i'm pretty happy with the result. 

    The only thing is, that there is a twist in it, from top to bottom. Probably because of the paint and glue that added some 

    stiffness to the whole.

    Anyone an idea what I can do about that? Or is there in this stage nothing what I can do to fix this?

    On the first not so sharp picture you can see the problem.






  6. Busy with the ratlines! The first batch ready, it wasn't easy but i'm pretty happy with the result. 

    The only thing is, that there is a twist in it, from top to bottom. Probably because of the paint and glue that added some 

    stiffness to the whole.

    Anyone an idea what I can do about that? Or is there in this stage nothing what I can do to fix this?

    On the second not so sharp picture you can see the problem.












  7. Thanks for the elaborate answer and compliment Peter, and everybody tnx for the likes.

    Good point on the tightness of the lanyards/shrouds. I'm making a mental note in my head for the next time i'm going trough that process. With building a model there are often questions about authenticity or just good looking for the modeller. 


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