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Posts posted by Ronald-V

  1. 19 hours ago, The Lazy Saint said:

    Hi mugje,

    Great looking carronades, l am looking forward to seeing them rigged and in place.

    I have enjoyed looking through your build log, l have to say, your wood working skills are very good indeed. Well done, keep up the great work.

    Best wishes as always, 

    The Lazy Saint. 


    Thank you so much! That's so nice to hear! :)

  2. Ah tnx Rob!


    Great to hear the compliments! And tnx for the explanation, that makes a lot of sense. Yes i understand they need to make compromises with the kits to make it

    affordable. I would like to see in the future that you can buy upgrades for a kit, just like they did with the hms Fly from Victory models. Then you can decide for yourself how much compromises

    you want to make :D...but maybe that's one step away of scratch building the pieces by yourself.

  3. It's needing some paintwork when it's finished but it looks already good now. It's really small! Almost to small for my trembling fingers haha.

    And i find it a bit weird that Caldercraft didn't use solid pieces of walnut, but a kind of plywood idea with two small layers of walnut and something cheaper in between.

    A bit of a compromise.



  4. I enjoy the build a lot! In the past i was a person that gave up on things pretty fast because i encountered to many problems, but this hobby

    is teaching me patience and selfesteem. Wonderful! 🎇

    I'm so happy that i rediscovered the hobby again. I think that i wasn't ready for it a few years ago. Now it's time to move on with it, and to enjoy 

    the process it's given me.


    Little personal sidenote ;)

  5. I used some steel wol and sandpaper to rough the paint a bit up. I don't like the clean look of a freshly painted ship.

    It's needs to be a bit old and scruffy ;). The pictures don't capture it just right. In real life it looks much better.

    I need to borrow the camera of a friend of mine so i can photograph the details better.





  6. Finished al the painting of the hull! That's a nice milestone for now :)

    Especially the bottom of the yellow strip was difficult for me. I didn't get it perfect in my eyes with just the hand.

    So i used masking tape and that made a lot of difference. Now it's okay to me.

    The flashy spots on the copper plates are from the dremel. I have to clean the plates once more so everything can age simultaneously.







  7. Okay...tested the method with the elastic bands, but couldn't get it just right. But the scrap pieces did help! I used the scrap pieces with clamps against the bulwarks, so it was easier to align the capping rails. But still used pins to nail the rails at the bulwarks. This worked pretty okay. Still needs lot's of touching up afterwards 😁😉


    I found that the montage of the capping rails one of the most difficult parts of the build was for now, but really satisfying when it's done 😊👍




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