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Posts posted by Ronald-V

  1. Hello everyone!


    Not sure if it's the right subforum to post this question.

    But i'm look for dry-rub transfer letters, and the Letraset 5mm Times new roman gold are looking real good for the job.

    I'm working on the Pickle kit from Caldercraft and the photo etched letters that are supplied with the kit are horrible.

    I saw with other builds on the forum that they use the Letraset letters.

    But the problem is that I could not find them on the web? Does someone know an adress?

  2. I wasn't happy with how the knots of the lanyards turned out. It was to sloppy and it irritated me.

    I had already knotted about 6 of them but cut everything loose. And searched how it could be done better and neater. I took a look in the practicum of the Syren from Chuck Passaro. He uses the cow hitch, or lark knot for that. With a lot of practice it became this, which i'm very happy with. 

    Way more neater then the first effort!


  3. 4 hours ago, Norway said:

    Really good work with pristine finish mugje!


    Just wondering....How do you work out that superb square and octagon sections on your masts?

    I just followed the instruction manual...that worked well. Offcourse the square parts were already square, but fitting them on the round dowel was not that easy.

    There is a small hook in the kit to draw the centerline in the dowel. But mine just didn't work that way. He was definitely not accurate, quite off center. so I eyebolded it, then

    I pusht a center in the dowel with a push pin, and drilled it with a hand drill for the metal pin. Is you're auxiliary tool to measure the centerline of the dowel also not okay?


    The octagon sections same way as in the manual. Works like a charm. I did the first part with the disc sander that I have, but a small file works just as fine, if not even better.

    I did the last part with the file...for accuracy :D...the disc sander goes way to fast for that😅

  4. Hello! 


    I have a question about the brig Syren of Model shipways. I'm now building the Caldercraft Pickle and it is my first build. I was wondering if the 

    US brig Syren is appropiate as a second model, because it's advertised as a advanced model. It's offcourse not an easy question and I understand that

    even beginners can build the Victory if they really want it. But is it a doable step? I like offcourse the idea that it is designed by Chuck Passaro with the extensive

    manual, and the model is very attractive.

    There's now a sale on model expo so it's for me (I live in the Netherlands) fairly cheap to purchase one. 


    Second question for the European people. Did someone ordered from Model Expo? And are there problems with shipments?


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