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Posts posted by BobG

  1. I'm so glad to see that you decided to make a build log for your Flirt, Glenn, even if it ends up being a "Glenn lite" version!


    I'm leaning towards starting my Model Shipwright Version of the Flirt also while trying to finish the Pen Duick. I figure with you leading the way, I'll be less likely to make a complete mess of things. Even though as Chris has designed this model to be as straight forward as possible, I still find it a bit intimidating when I look at all the guns and the complex rigging. I've never built a ship with guns and ratlines. The Medway Longboat has been my best effort so far and the rigging on it is quite simple by comparison. I also don't feel real confident in my fairing and planking abilities yet either. They're still a work in progress for me.


    Oh well, I guess only way to learn more is to jump in so I may be following along in your wake!



  2. I just came across your build log, Mike, and your work is excellent especially considering this is your first build. The finish on your hull is beautiful. What varnish did you use on it?


    I also see that you have started building the Gorch Frock. I look forward to following that build as well. I've always thought that she is a beautiful ship.


    Good luck!

  3. 2 hours ago, glbarlow said:

    Me too

    Hey Glenn, when will you be starting the Flirt. I've been thinking starting it while I'm still working on finishing the Pen Duick. I think the rigging on the Pen Duick is going to be slow going for me so maybe the Flirt will keep my morale up. So I'm waiting for your build log to lead the way for me. That ought to keep me on the right path and avoid making a mess of things!

  4. 2 minutes ago, HakeZou said:

    Hi Bob, Glad to see you getting back to your beautiful ship, though a year spent with your guitars and bike sounds like a year well spent to me. All best,



    Thanks Hake. In spite of Covid and the shutdowns, my wife and I feel fortunate to have avoided the heartache and suffering of so many have had in the past year. Cycling was one of the few activities I felt relatively safe doing outside of the house and my guitar skills have taken a giant step forward. I'm enjoying it so much more now!





  5. Thanks everyone. Folks are so supportive on this forum! 


    I'm sure it will take a couple of weeks for me to set up shop again and pour over the plans to see if I can make sense of the rigging. Artesania Latina's instructions and plans are practically nonexistent when it comes to the rigging. 


    My immediate time is limited for the next two weeks. My son just moved into an apartment in San Francisco for his work at Google and we'll be helping him out with the move and some painting. 


    Stay tuned. I will probably have to ask the experts here to help me out with the rigging plan if I even can figure out how to coherently ask the questions!

  6. I was looking over my Pen Duick hull this morning. She's been laying on a cloth for year now and I'd almost forgotten how beautiful I think it is. So I ended up rereading my build log. It was so nice to read over all the wonderful, supportive comments again that so many of you posted while I was still actively building her.


    I got bogged down with trying to understand the gaff rigged topsail and I lost the my drive to figure it out. I set it aside and ended up getting totally immersed in playing my guitars and riding my bike and, before you know it, a whole year slipped by. Well, I think it's time to get my small, shipyard desk set up again and see if I can figure things out and continue on with this lovely model. 


    Hopefully, I'll be posting some progress soon. Thanks again to everyone that has taken an interest in this build and sorry for such a long absence.


    All the best,




  7. 1 hour ago, glbarlow said:

    I’m working on Flirt now after finishing Cheerful, so it will be a while. 

    I have the Flirt on the shelf but I have a dilemma now. I love the Flirt and the Sphinx but there's not much room in our small house for both. So what to do? Maybe build the Flirt first and give it to my son and then build the Sphinx...? So many wonderful models from Chris and Chuck with too little time and space...

  8. 1 hour ago, mtaylor said:

    Trigger pulled.... order made.   I think this build will be good for me...   I will do a build log once it's here.

    Congrats, Mark! I look forward to seeing all the build logs that are on their way once these kits arrive. I'll probably join the club in the near future.

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