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Everything posted by ccoyle

  1. Dunno, but love your picture and look forward to watching any future projects come together!
  2. My comment here is not intended to denigrate the overall quality of the kit, but for the amount of money such kits cost it would be nice if they could add another half-dozen frames to the hull structure -- it would make getting the proper form much easier. Anyways, thanks for the unboxing!
  3. I found this interesting review of this kit online: The review shows how different a perspective two people can have of the same kit. I'm enjoying this kit for the same reasons that this reviewer apparently did not like the kit. Yes, the parts fit together tightly, but they also align perfectly. And yes, there is laser charring, which the kit instructions expressly say is not necessary to remove and that the kit is designed with the non-perpendicular nature of laser cutting taken into account. And BTW, the bulkheads are cut from very thick plywood and are very sturdy; I haven't had one of them break yet, not even with some energetic sanding. Anyways, I have found the kit a joy to work on so far. More later!
  4. Yep. This is also easily seen on the Charles W Morgan when she's riding a little high in the water.
  5. Hull faired. Yes, the work goes quickly because it is such a small model. None of that knocking together a 1st rate POF hull over a course of years, no siree!
  6. A thing that amazes me is that you actually had the courage to cut into your already beautiful hull in order to install the casemates!
  7. Ship Modeler's Association meets in Fullerton. San Diego Ship Modeler's Guild meets aboard the Berkeley on the Embarcadero.
  8. You're in luck -- we have a number of Dutch members on this forum, and some of them are bound to be knowledgeable on this type of vessel. Cheers!
  9. That 4th frame forward looks like it is riding too high -- hope that won't be a problem?
  10. A couple more hours of work in the books. This substructure is built like a flippin' tank (are you listening, Corel?). Not only that, but a lot of thought went into the design -- some of the parts that have definite left/right or front/back sides are designed so that they can only fit into the assembly in the direction they are supposed to go. I used Birchwood Casey bluing to blacken the metal parts. I'm now ready to start the final fairing of the hull prior to planking.
  11. Welcome,Andrea! As you are probably aware, very good practicums exist for both of those models, so you can't go wrong in choosing whichever one has the most visceral appeal for you and going for it. Cheers!
  12. Hello, all! Welcome to my to-be-much-abbreviated build log for the Master Korabel "cannon jolle" (gunboat) kit. I say "abbreviated" because Jim Rogers already did a fine build log for this kit, which you can see here. You can also read my initial review of the kit in the reviews section of the forum. Part of my reason for choosing this kit is to show members that yes, I do actually build ship models on occasion! Here's a couple of shots of the very early stages of construction, only a few hours' worth really. So far I have not had any issues apart from being a little confused by the instructions once or twice. This is only to be expected in instructions that are translated from Russian, so no big deal. Having patience and thinking thoroughly through the process has spared me any missteps to this point. As you can see, the hull substructure has A LOT of pieces. It all fits together very nicely but snugly and locks up tightly once glued. The finished model will really be quite small, as the hull is only about as long as my hand. That's all for now!
  13. David, you can click here to go to the page where the links are posted. Enjoy!
  14. Hello, David. Be aware that Danny added a significant amount of after-market photo-etched (PE) detail parts to his model. This is really quite an advanced-level model by itself, and working with PE is another tricky skill to acquire. I think you would be doing yourself a huge favor by postponing your Bismarck build for a few weeks and having a crack at the card modeling tutorial we have posted here, based on a free downloadable model of the German V108 torpedo boat. It's a good way to get some card skills under your belt before tackling what is a very demanding project. Kind regards, Chris
  15. Hello and welcome, Steve. For your missing materials, try sending a PM to our member Daniel Dusek. His company, Dusek Ship Kits, took over the Mamoli product line. Regards,
  16. Not a bad idea, Adrie, and I do something similar for making thread railings. But I think that thread may actually be too thick for this purpose. I'll have a look at it, though.
  17. I know -- I'm just looking for some I might be able to pick up on the way home instead of having to wait several days for it. Call it impatience (a sad trait in a modeler, I know).
  18. Jan, I'm looking into some local cell phone repair shops. Apparently they use the molybdenum stuff.
  19. Possibly, but most of the ones I am familiar with moved west either to Ohio or Ontario. Some of the ones that went to Ontario, presumably loyalists, eventually wound up back in the States. Couldn't handle the Canadian winters maybe?
  20. Kind of off-topic question here, Nic, but now that Midwest has gotten out of the boat kit market, do you know if anyone has designs on acquiring that part of their product line?
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