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Everything posted by ccoyle

  1. Yep, I'm a Humboldt County boy -- a fact that neither time nor distance can erase.
  2. Mariposa was my most recent California address before I packed up and moved to South Carolina.
  3. Great story! Quite a few of those place names resonated with me, being a native Californian myself. An old high school friend of mine currently lives in Kodiak. Another friend was an observer aboard a Japanese processing ship in the Gulf of Alaska. Sad to hear about Storis -- she was a beautiful ship. Cheers!
  4. Nope, just an American soccer fan who got sucked into the Evertonian black hole for hopes and dreams back when Landon Donovan and Tim Howard were Blues. But I still love 'em. Fortunately, I have been a Bayern Munich fan for far longer than I have cheered for the Blues, so that kind of balances things out in a way -- one team gets me trophies, the other keeps me humble. But I don't think that Everton is all that far away from the "Big Six" glory-land -- all we need is a completely revamped midfield. No big deal. 😝 Don't worry -- I won't excommunicate you. The president of our organization at work is a big-time Man U fan, and we still get along well enough.
  5. Oh, dear -- then I'm afraid I can no longer converse with you. Long-suffering Toffees fan here. Just kidding! Ship modeling crosses the usual footballing boundaries. 😉
  6. I just noted your location and can't help but wonder: are you from the red side of the Mersey or the blue? 😉
  7. Okay, every time I see "Chris C." pop up in my new posts notifications, for a split second I think that someone is hailing me -- for reasons that should be readily apparent.
  8. Fabulous! The world's smallcraft offer a virtually inexhaustible supply of modeling options. I look forward to seeing you work your magic!
  9. Welcome aboard! Oak is really not a first-choice wood for deck planking, or any planking for that matter. The grain is just far too open. I don't know what is provided in the kit, but holly is a good and inexpensive option for decking, which should be fairly light in color.
  10. I loved the old Jacques Cousteau documentaries back in the day, too. I also built the old Revell kit of Cousteau's PBY Catalina.
  11. Because of weathering and constant holystoning, decks tended to be uniformly light in color. For cutters, off the top of my head: Avos by Master Korabel, Alert by Vanguard Models, Cheerful by Syren Ship Models, Sherbourne by Caldercraft, Lady Nelson by Amati/Victory Models, Le Renard by Soclaine, Hunter by Mamoli.
  12. I have to ask, what is going on with the orange-colored deck planks? It looks a bit odd. As for second kits, if you successfully complete Swift, then you should be perfectly capable of handling any number of potential subjects. Jumping directly to a square-rigged three-master might be tough, but it would mainly be about the complexity of the rig. I chose a cutter as my second POB kit -- the single mast greatly reduces the task list for a novice builder. Many great cutter kits currently on the market.
  13. Filler is your friend. Are you planning on leaving the nails in? They will make your sanding job much more difficult.
  14. Le Requin is one of the CAF kits that is unavailable at the moment pending a finalized licensing agreement between CAF and Ancre.
  15. Depending on how slight the warp is and how the hull substructure is designed to go together, it's possible the parts may lock together in a manner that sufficiently straightens the assembly.
  16. Very hard pressed to tell that that is a first model -- well done!
  17. Fabulous execution of an unusual subject!
  18. Any kit under $20, regardless of point of origin, is bound to be a highly-simplified, toy-like project.
  19. Welcome aboard!
  20. Welcome! Being an amateur genealogist in addition to a middling-ability ship modeler, I know how rewarding it is to be able to know so much about an early ancestor. Yours had quite the adventure!
  21. Welcome aboard!
  22. Always nice to see a build log back from the dead. Good luck on your project!
  23. Welcome aboard! The Midwest smack was my very first wooden boat model.
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