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Everything posted by ccoyle

  1. It's possible that they may even have plan sets that you could use, for a price of course. If you do contact them, you might have to be a little patient in awaiting a response. As you said, such museums do often get a lot of requests for information, and they may be staffed largely by volunteers, so it may take them a while to process a request. As an alternative, I know that this ship has been offered in kit form by several companies. I can't tell you which version, if any, is more historically accurate than the others, but it's an avenue you could research. You might find that buying a plan set from one of those manufacturers is a more economical option. Cheers!
  2. Have you tried contacting the Viking Ship Museum itself? https://www.khm.uio.no/english/visit-us/viking-ship-museum/
  3. They just released a kit of their Skerry double-ender as well. You could be the first to do a build log of it. 🙂
  4. Hello and welcome. Have a read through the pdf sent to you earlier. Chuck will mention all the tools you'll need to complete the model. Cheers!
  5. A man has got to know his limitations -- but based on your previous work, I'm inclined to believe that it will be at least slightly classier than you envision!
  6. Ugh .. in card modeling we call this "error creep". I have suffered its dreaded effects on more than one occasion.
  7. Whaat?? I can't hit the "like" button for that! But then again, people have been waiting for 12 years for me to finish Fly, so I guess I can't complain.
  8. Take care with those red-carpet photos, as I have a sneaking suspicion that certain persons are drooling over the prospect of featuring this model on the MSW Facebook page!
  9. Yes, as you have learned, HMV does not include English instructions in all of their models, but usually clearly states whether they do or not in the product description. There should, however, be some sort of assembly sheets or booklet. Personally, I have never found written instructions for card models terribly helpful as they usually consist of language like "stick part 1 to part 2, etc., etc.", which is information one can easily glean from the diagrams. What can and sometimes is problematic is when a particular sub-assembly is not shown in a diagram or when a part is misnumbered. For that reason, card models always require a certain amount of puzzle-solving ability. BTW, I read German, and even the native-language instructions are not all that helpful. 😉
  10. Love me some Shipyard kit! Haven't built one myself, but I know that they are considered top-shelf products. Wishing you every success on this project!
  11. I built many Tamiya 1/35 scale armor kits back in the halcyon days of my youth. They all disappeared many, many moves ago.
  12. Glen, the only real preparation for doing a POB kit is to do a POB kit. Doing solid hulls builds up your skills for doing solid hulls, which is great, but POB is a different kettle of fish. A great way to find out what other beginners have actually successfully completed is to use our search function. Search for build log titles that have both "finished" and "first" (as in, "first build" or "first wooden ship model") in them. Certain kits show up more than others. Two examples are Model Shipways' longboat and Artesania Latina's Swift. Basically what you're looking for is a relatively simple subject (not simple kit, but simple subject) like a small schooner. The Corel kit that you mentioned is considered such a subject, but Corel is not known for either great materials or great instructions in their low-end kits. Take your time while shopping on-line and make sure to visit the manufacturer's website -- nowadays they often post some portion of their kit instructions on-line as a kind of preview. There's plenty of suitable beginner kits out there to choose from. Be sure to also consider the subject's aesthetic appeal for you personally -- it's hard to persevere with a kit of a subject that doesn't really interest you. Cheers!
  13. Great photos, Valeriy. The caption on the second photo is interesting as well. For our non-German-speaking members, it says, "The German and Russian Kaisers travel in the steam pinnace to SMY (His Majesty's Yacht) Hohenzollern," so obviously shot in the day when Nicky and Willy were still amiable cousins and not warring heads of state.
  14. "Older beginner" is a fairly large demographic at this site, so yes, I think you will fit right in!
  15. Are you by any chance a member of the Ship Modelers Association that meets in Fullerton? There's a lot of scratch builders in that club. You might get some traction on your offer if you were to show up with your books at one of their meetings.
  16. I had a look at your de Ruyter and saw some pretty well-developed card skills on display.
  17. The "like" button seems inadequate for a model of this quality. Amazing work indeed, sir!
  18. I don't think it is too much detail, especially since you are the first to post a log for the sharpie here. I, for one, am enjoying watching your progress.
  19. I think I misread this when I saw it earlier. I'm not sure exactly what you mean here. All planking requires a degree of spiling, which is the process used to shape the planks so that they will fit the complex curvature of the hull. If you attempt to plank an entire hull without spiling, as your post suggests you wish to do (hope I'm wrong about that), you will run into frustration and failure for certain. As another option for hull planking, there is a method described in Frank Mastini's book Ship Modeling Simplified. As the title suggests, Mastini's method is a simplified one compared to actual practice and is designed specifically with beginning modelers in mind. You may be able to get your hands on a copy through your local library.
  20. Hmmm. Hope you get this sorted out. This is one of Chris Watton's early designs for Caldercraft, and you can certainly see how more modern designs, including Chris's later efforts, have evolved in the direction of creating sturdier substructures.
  21. Hello, Adrie. We have a few enthusiastic card modelers in our ranks, including me. What will be your first project?
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