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Everything posted by WackoWolf

  1. I got mine in the mail yesterday, haven't open it yet will do it later today when I get back from breakfast. I will let you know whats in the box with pictures.
  2. What software are you using for the CNC machine to do all the tool paths, I am using BobCAD for that and Mach3 for the controller. Would like something more easy if there is any such thing for 3D (SolidWorks)
  3. Beautiful detail work, you carve these yourself.
  4. Ask them for basswood. They might not know what you mean if you say hobby wood LOL. Laughing but I do mean it.
  5. Sorry to hear about the broken part, but I am sure you can make one yourself, or contact them to have them send you one.
  6. Jack, Next time you go ask someone, it's not easy to find without asking. I found it at Home Depot by luck, only because I was looking for something else LOL.
  7. A little at a time and before you know it you will be done (in about 20 years. Heck of a lot of rigging). I am always watching Kevin
  8. Do you have a Lowe's or Home Depot near you. They have bass wood also. Also Ace Harware is another, never bought any there but they also carry it.
  9. Just order it from there web site and use PayPal smart pay. Had no problems, don't know why it's not working for you. Cost me $75.95 total. When I went to the site the price was $75.95, so they must have gone up on it by $10.00, but it was free shipping.
  10. And from the price that Mark seen on Amazon it is more than worth it.
  11. Thanks Mark, nice to know. I have been having dreams about that. I really like the idea of being able to turn it around. Now that to me is wicked cool.
  12. I am still to this day ASSUMING that I hit the lottery LOL
  13. You are off to a great start. The kit and the plans looks to be top notch, like Antony I have pull up a chair. I like what Anthony said about the walk and not seeing any people, I could really enjoy not being bother by anyone, don't like being bother. Keep the post and picture coming,I am still in love with the building board, been have images going through my mind all the time about it. It really has me thinking LOL
  14. What about the shipping rate, did you see anything on that when you check? That just pop up in my mind.
  15. I like it also. If you go on the web site and view it, they show you every angle and what everything is for and what it does. You think about it, we build wooden ships, a good about of us do scratch building, which means you could make it yourself, with more functions built into it. Now I am not saying that it's not worth it to buy, but I think that making one like that yourself could be a pleasure to do. Just a thought and my 2 cents, before they do away or change the penny LOLL PS. I like that you can turn the ship on it side, upside and in fact any angle you want. Nice real nice indeed.
  16. Your getting there, soon you won't be able to bring it in and out. Glad your back working on her. Will be watching like always.
  17. Welcome back Andy, sorry about work, sure you will find more. Glad you back to building again. So if I may pull up a seat, I will be watching for the beginning to the finished.
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