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Everything posted by russ

  1. I honestly forget how I secured that halyard block. It has been 25 years since I built this model. I would normally say to drill a hole through the back edge of the fighting top, jut aft of the railing and secure it there. It could hang out from underneath the top. Russ
  2. Robbyn: I would say that you should have a bare wood surface to glue to. I would not put any stain or any sealer anywhere you will need to glue something to the wood. The less there is betwen the surfaces being glued, the better. If you have a way to add a fastener, that will help with the bond. For instance, using brass nails to secure the chainplates to the hull. Russ
  3. The deadeye straps are made without the deadeyes being placed in the straps. You insert the deadeyes in the straps after they are made. That way the heat is not an issue. Russ
  4. Robbyn: For a first attempt the hull looks very good. Watch how much you sand, though. That planking is only so thick. Russ
  5. Silver soldering is muuuuuch better than soft soldering. Silver soldering will create a more reliable joint. Russ
  6. Adam: It will be a good idea to spend as much time as necessary on fairing the hull to get it ready for planking. You are testing the fairness with battens and that is good. I would suggest testing even more just to make sure you can avoid any unsightly bumps or dips. It will make planking a lot easier. Russ
  7. Those hinges are really nice. I also like the fittings on the deck. This is really coming along. Great work. Russ
  8. John: I am sure everyone would like to see at least a few photos of your early framing and planking process on this model. It is really quite something to behold. Russ
  9. I also prefer the lighter, more natural color, but you are the captain. Your choice is what matters. Russ
  10. Nice work on the ceiling planking. Looks very good so far. Russ
  11. Shawn: The guns look good. As for the tackles, if you are not satisfied, all you really need is the breeching ropes. Russ
  12. Rusty: Your bending jig is a great little idea. It seems to work very well. Good work. Russ
  13. Robbyn: It may seem that the planking is rather tedious and boring, but some time spent on this step will net you some good results. This is what the casual viewer will see when they look at your model. I think it looks good so far. Russ
  14. One thing to keep in mind on the garboard is not to let that bow end of the garboard get too far forward. In this case, I would say let it end around that second bulkhead. If it continues too far forward, you risk the rest of the belt creeping up the stem and causing that pinch you are trying to avoid. Russ
  15. Nice looking framing. It looks ship shape. The wood has a really nice tone to it. Good call there. Russ
  16. There is a good deal of "instant gratification" on a smaller project. This would be good to do when framing and treenailing get to be too much. Russ
  17. The line of the batten at the bow looks pretty good. So long as you can get the plank ends evened up there that should work fine. Russ
  18. The flat bottomed rowing skiff, although it is a distinctly American boat type, has been updated any number of times by different ethnic groups who immgrated to the United States. We have a large group of people who came here from Croatia and Dalamatia in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It may be that they added their own distinct flavor to our local boats. Russ
  19. From what I can see, the planking looks pretty good. Filler is okay to use on the first layer if you need it. Russ
  20. Sam: Thanks for those kind words. I made that carving with a lot of magnification. Russ
  21. The belt position looks okay, but you will need to make sure by eyeballing it really well from a lot of different angles. Your planking looks good so far. I would not do too much sanding until you have it finished. Russ
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