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Posts posted by russ

  1. This is tonight's work. I began the lower belt on the starboard side. The garboard strake is complete and I have worked in the forward planks of the next strakes above. There is a good deal of twist in these forward planks in the lower belt. Like the rest of the planking, they are spiled and tapered and then soaked in hot water. I clamp them in place wet and when they dry, I can glue them in place with very little clamping needed.



    lower belt bow side.JPG

    lower belt bow.JPG

  2. Elia:

    Thanks for dropping in. I appreciate your kind words very much. As always, I am learning new things each time I build. Several lessons picked up so far on this build will be forwarded to the next build.


    The thumb injury has healed and the thumb is functional. There will always be some pain I reckon, but it seems to be less as time goes along.





  3. Very interesting project. The details are coming along quite well. I like that you are modeling a vessel that is a little off the beaten track. Very enjoyable to see your work.


    I have also made my own study of tonnage admeasurements and used them to reconstruct our local vessels for my research and modeling projects. I had heard of Brownlee's research, but it was not until quite recently that I read his American Neptune paper from 1994 on the subject. I had been studying tonnage admeasurements and creating lines drawings from them for 2 decades before I read Brownlee's work and found out I was actually doing much the same thing her had done.



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