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Posts posted by russ

  1. Some more progress. The two pieces of the profile former have been glued together and the reinforcing spline attached to one side. Once the keel, stem, and sternpost have been attached, the other side of the profile former will get a reinforcing piece as well.


    The stem has been shaped and glued on, and the deadwood and sternpost have been attached to the keel.


    The profile former is nice and straight so I am glad I made it in two pieces.







  2. The bulkhead frames have all been cut, sanded to shape, and fitted to the profile former. Nothing is glued yet. Everything is dry fitted at this point. So far everything looks good. The hull form is starting to come together.


    The components were cut on a scroll saw and then the shaping was done with files and sandpaper. So far there is about 20 hours of cutting and shaping for the entire framework of the hull. Still some work to go before I can open the glue bottle.







  3. Walnut if not really a good choice. It tends to have an open, coarse grain pattern unsuitable for scale modeling. It can be brittle and difficult to manage in any case.


    I would recommend you get some basswood sheets from the local hobby or craft store. They are inexpensive and the they cut easily. You can paint or stain basswood. Staining basswood requires a pre stain conditioner or sanding sealer to ensure that the wood will absorb stain evenly. Painting basswood is not a problem, although water based paints will raise the grain and require some sanding and several thin coats to get a good finish.


    However, basswood will be a lot easier to deal with than walnut in my experience.



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