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Posts posted by russ

  1. Sam:

    Nice work. I agree that lanyard needs redoing, but the one deadeye being a little higher does not necessarily need to be redone. Sometimes, deadeyes were not perfectly lined up. In the natural course of working the ship, they could easily get slightly out of line. It is up to you, though.





  2. I know there are those who will not appreciate every little details or accomplishment, but I hope some of you will. The first plank has been cut and fitted. I always begin with the sheer strake. That establishes the curve off of which everything else will run. This plank has been spiled, tapered, and soaked. No glue yet. I will let it dry in place and when I glue it, it will have its shape and will need only finger pressure for a few minutes for the glue to take hold. Note the hi tech clamps. :)



    first plank cut.JPG

    first plank fitted.JPG

  3. Finally a little progress. I am working on the margin planking. I have settled on a process to make them that seems to work pretty well. While I have created templates for each of these plank in CAD, once you begin building the model, it pays to fit the components to the model instead of the templates created for them. Just makes life easier. :)


    Here is a photo of the portside margin plank with a scarph joint and the blank for the next one aft that I am working with right now.



    margin plank portside.JPG

    margin plank manufacture.JPG

  4. Hamilton:

    Lees is giving you rigging circumference. You need to calculate diameter from that and then divide by your scale denominator. For instance, if the mast diameter is 30 inches, then half that would be a 15 inch circumference stay. The diameter of the stay would be about 4.77 inches. At 1/100 scale that would be .047" diameter. A diameter of 3/64" would do nicely.



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