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Posts posted by russ

  1. Thanks to everyone for the kind words. It really makes me feel much better about the model and I appreciate you looking in and following along.


    My next project is another local commission. It is a motor powered lugger named Captain Roy, built by Jules Galle' for a local seafood cannery owner named Roy Rosalis. It will be POB construction at 1/24 scale and should make a nice sized model at about 30 inches long. It will be rigged for shrimping. I am completing the drawings for this boat over the holidays and I aim to begin construction in January. More on this later.


    Kenneth, I will be talking with Mr. Baker again soon about the lugger. I need him to look at my completed plans and details. If I get his seal of approval, I know I am doing good. :)



  2. Here are some photos of the completed model. While there are many things that I like about the model, there are, of course, those things that I dislike. This has been a love/hate relationship for 5 years and even now, I am not certain where I am in that cycle. I know that this has been a great learning experience and I am delighted to have completed the model. Right now that, and Christmas, are what has me feeling good. I thank everyone who has looked in and followed along. It is all very much appreciated.


    My client loves the model and I hope her son will like it when he sees it on Christmas morning. This is something he does not know about and will not see coming.














  3. More progress. The rigging is well along now with only a few details left to complete. The shrouds have been rigged with upper deadeyes and lower deadeyes connected by lanyards. The deadeyes are scratch made from boxwood and about 5/64" diameter with .021" diameter holes. The final tension will be set when the free end of the lanyards is tied off above the upper deadeyes.







  4. Sam:

    The sails are a question of scale. It is the material thickness that is took much for scale. My sail maker doubled the material over and so we have sails that are twice as thick as I wanted. That is completely on me. I should have taken the time to make the sails myself. Lesson learned.


    My client is a very nice person. She always tries to see the good in everything.



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