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Everything posted by russ

  1. Hello again. It has been quite a while since I posted any progress. I just wanted folks to know the project is still in progress. There has been a lot of daily life stuff getting in the way. Spring cleaning, Spring planting, some interior renovations, etc. It all takes time, energy, and focus and all of that gets diverted from the shop into these other projects. Now that things are starting to get back to normal, I am also working on another scratch built project. I am, from this point on, most likely going to be building in POF. The new model is a Biloxi schooner, but it is being built plank on frame. I might post something on that as time goes on. Thanks for bearing with me despite the delays. Russ
  2. Al: That looks pretty good. You can fine tune it later if need be, but for right now, that is a good start. Russ
  3. John: She is looking very good. Nice to see you back at it. Russ
  4. Al: I agree with Mark. Cut the rabbet while the backbone is still flat on the bench. You can fine tune it once you get it in place on the frames, but that should be very minor work. Your frames are looking good so far. Nice work. Russ
  5. Nice work. Your rigging details look very good. The next page will come up automatically. There are so many posts per page. Russ
  6. Pat: Beautiful work on these details. I especially like the skylight. Russ
  7. Very nice work. This is a very appealing model. Congratulations on a fine model. Russ
  8. Michael: Many thanks. I appreciate it. The case was store bought, but it worked out very well. Russ
  9. Sam: I just wanted to get some photos back in this log and to let people know that this log has those early photos. Captain Roy is progressing. I had to take some time and clean and reorganize the shop recently, but there will be more on Captain Roy. There is another Biloxi schooner model coming in the not too distant future. It will be a built up hull rather than POB. Russ
  10. I have replaced most of the earlier photos in the log for those who are interested. Russ
  11. Darrell: I have been using a darker red for my models and been quite pleased with it. I think you made the right call. Darker and duller is almost always better in scale. Russ
  12. Darrell: Very nice work. The deck looks great. I like the color scheme as well. Your rope coils look good and I think your perseverance on the rigging has definitely paid off. Well done. Russ
  13. Don: Your planking looks very good. Nice work. Russ
  14. Bill: I soak my planks after they have been shaped and then clamp them to dry in place on the model, much like you are doing. I have had good results doing that. I leave mine in clamps for several hours at least before I gluing. Russ
  15. Thanks. I think the tape was fine. I just did not get it down well. That is on me. The raised line usually comes from having a lot of layers build up against the tape line. That is my experience with it. I usually hand rub until it is gone. Russ
  16. That is a great looking model. Congratulations. My vote is for "Don't Tread on Me." However, it may be that she actually flew a particular flag that would more appropriate. But, your model, your choice. Russ
  17. Congratulations on a beautiful model. These work boats are always a lot of fun to build. Well done. Russ
  18. Michael: Thanks. These luggers were often very attractive hulls. The entrance at the fore foot is often straight and is created by the use of the nearly upright stem. That results in the body sections that are slightly concave below the water line near the bow. Most of the boats had a pleasing sheer line as well. This is one of the post WWII boats that tended to be longer for their breadth and somewhat deeper in the hold for use a little further offshore. The 1930s boats were also pretty, but they tended to be smaller, with more belly, and a bit more shallow. All things said, I prefer the longer deeper hulls. Russ
  19. Frank: Very nice metal work. The winder and the frame look just like the real thing. Well done. Russ
  20. Got some painting done today. The main hatch is almost ready. The coaming is in white while the covers are in gray. Russ
  21. Your riverboat is coming along nicely. I am looking forward to seeing what is next. Your details have are quite good. Russ
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