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Everything posted by russ

  1. Greg: We can talk about it and see what we can come up with. Send me a PM and we can exchange contact information privately. Russ
  2. Nice work so far. The framework looks pretty good. Take some time at this point and make sure the planking lays flat on the bulkheads. Time spent on that now will make the planking easier. So far, so good. Russ
  3. Ken: That door looks great. I will have to start saving my billing envelopes for future use. I like the idea about the coaming and door opening inward. That saves a lot of grief on your end and makes for a neat job. Well done. Russ
  4. Pete: The cockpit looks great. The stain and varnish came out very well, by my eye. I like the cleats that I see. Russ
  5. If using a single layer, I would definitely put the keel on and sand in your bearding line and then plank. Russ
  6. I see what you mean about the forward shrouds, but I think you can always say that she is undergoing some repairs. The case and model look very good. Nice work indeed. Russ
  7. If you want to cut in a bearding line, then I would definitely add the keel to the false keel before planking. In any event, adding the keel before planking will make for a much neater job of planking, especially where the plank ends go into the bow and stern post. If you are double planking, then there might not be as much advantage to adding the keel first, but that will be something that each person has to determine for themselves. Russ
  8. Sam: I have used beeswax that is slghtly warmed and rubbed it into the thread with my fingers and then run the thread over a hot lightbulb. It will melt it into the thread. You can use an open flame but it takes a little practice to not burn the thread. Russ
  9. Ken: I think the treenailing went okay. Once you get the guns and all in place, much of what bothers you will be placed into a larger context and it will look much better. Russ
  10. Michael: Thanks for looking in. With some luck, there will be more progress soon. Russ
  11. John and Adam, thanks for the kind words. Getting some work done felt good. Now let's see if I can find some more time this evening. Russ
  12. Thanks for all the kind words, Joe, Jay, and Martin. Martin, I am only laying the center deck planks full length. This will be the area in the way of the hatches and cabin trunk. There are no seams there except where the planks run into hatch coamings. I had thought about laying the deck planks so as to create openings for the hatches and cabin trunk, but that can be rather difficult if you do not get the butt ends of the planks lined up EXACTLY on the line, otherwise you end up with gaps between the plank ends and the hatch coaming. I prefer to lay all the deck planks before installing hatches etc. This makes it easier to scrape the deck planks to get a really smooth surface. Once I get outside the hatches, I will lay scale length planks. The butt ends are already layed out on the plan and I will be able to mark them accurately based on that plan. One advantage to laying at least one full length plank on this model's deck is that I was able to get it lined up right on the penciled centerline on the false deck. Once that was done, all the other planks will line up properly. Since this model's hull is only about 10 inches on deck, this is not that difficult to do. By the by, the deck planking is from Bluejacket. It is really nice material. Russ
  13. Mark: Thanks. I am fairly happy with the deck planking so far. Russ
  14. Okay, I have finally made some time to get some work done. My plan is to paint the inside of the bulwarks and the margin plank and then install the deck planking which will be left natural. By doing it this way, I am avoiding the need for masking to get that clean edge between painted and natural surfaces. I have painted the inside of the bulwarks and now I have begun laying the deck planking. Questions and comments welcomed. Russ
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