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About bdgiantman2

  • Birthday 10/20/1979

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    Denver, CO
  • Interests
    Currently working on model of Brig Eagle of 1814. Future projects include a scratch-build that I drew up myself and maybe returning to my model of Yacht Mary.

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  1. Those lockers seriously look like could open, but I know that just a little piece of wire placed where the hinges would be. At the scale this Speedwell model is built at, I'm sure it's only a matter of time before someone will be attempting working hinges Brian D
  2. Impressive skill building those ribs so far and adding in the hawse timbers! Your Speedwell is looking great, Rusty!! Brian D
  3. Happy Thanksgiving, Friends!! I have been dealing with a bunch of issues but hopefully will be building again soon.
  4. I also am tempted about this kit, once I finish the Eagle which will be a long way out. Interesting that having you sand the ribs off the building jig when I would think the board would be more protecting. Would definitely have to proceed cautiously sanding those frail ribs.
  5. That is definitely divided. Chuck Passaro has given a very detailed post on how he is rigging the guns on his Speedwell model, and he has done his rigging as the divided like in the picture.
  6. I don't know if this would help, but 've been hearing on sites like this of people using foam blocks and even pool noodles as sanding blocks to assist as well as relieve hands. Keep up this beautiful model. Brian D
  7. My guess is that the planks would butt against the keelson, that is what happens in the other ships. Great building project, this is looking great. Brian D
  8. What is the size of these frames? I know they are all laser-etched in the wood by CAF but can't tell dimensions. I'm guessing that each of these frames are 1/8" thick? And looks like 3/16" wide?
  9. That was a sneaky solution by CAF about the keels, enjoying following on you building this project Brian D.
  10. Saw this and thought of your blog on here. I hope this is approved https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1062011819046190&set=a.523280112919366
  11. More the one long piece, but either way is doable.
  12. If I understand you correctly, I would think it would be a lot easier fitting a block of wood at the base between each of your bulkheads as your garboard, starting at bulkhead 1 and continuing to bulkhead 15 as you are showing us with the red highlighted areas and having it run slightly beneath each bulkhead as well then sand to the desired shape underneath. The middle six or seven bulkheads show the same shape of the garboard to my eyes so that ought to make shaping a bit easier. Brian D
  13. Your stern-wheeler looks about 50ft to 60ft length. I tried to include a picture from another site of a slightly longer boat with bridge in front but wouldn't let me include the link. The side view provided gives good details for the main deck. Can still have car riding in middle of boat. Also I was just noticing that the paddle in first picture is a chain drive and not steam powered although there probably was some kind of a small boiler under bridge. Interesting projects that you are working on, keep it up. Found these as other ideas for you: https://cmdboats.com/plan/River Belle 40 https://www.oldoregonphotos.com/small-sternwheeler-restless-near-gardiner-c-1895.html Brian D
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