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Everything posted by newbuilder101

  1. I'm back!!! Augie: Never caught a single fish...they must have been as hot as we were and couldn't bother biting. The fish you saw "rising" was only a mirage I guess ...the only thing rising was the temperature. 36 degrees Celsius (96.8 F) Sjors: I wish that was our backyard! Time to dust off the popcorn machine and set it up again. Grant: It was idyllic...hated to leave there to come home to reality. I can't blame your Admiral...whenever I look at the pictures I want to go back!!! Okay, now back to the shipyard - when I can steal a few minutes, I'll be continuing the second planking. Lots of other work to do, and of course I don't want to miss out on summer activities...it's far too short here.
  2. Beautiful work! What a great idea! You definitely are King of the jig makers. After seeing your comments about the number of guns, I'm beginning to think I'm in over my head with 108 of them to make!!
  3. Tim: Thanks! I like the look of lights on a ship, so.........now there are lights. Popeye: Thanks as well! Hopefully there's never a wiring malfunction and the "fireworks" become real!!! Andy: Thanks! Sad part is, I don't have to go north to feed the mosquitos or blackflies. I'm just one of those people that seems to have a neon sign over my head that says "dinner's on - come and get it"!!! Our northern paradise is Tobermory. We have vacationed in the Kawarthas and it's beautiful too. Steve: Algonquin Park is another beautiful part of our province....been there as well. Awwww - great shot of the fawn!
  4. The guns look great!!! So........I can send my ship over there when it's time for the cannons........and you can make some for me???
  5. Sjors: Thank-you! I always l-o-v-e the cottage. Thanks for looking after the popcorn machine. I will have internet at the cottage, so I will "check-in" once in a while. Behave??? How does that work? Michael: Thank-you! I definitely will enjoy the break! Grant: Thank-you as well! I know what you mean about the "rest" thing....hoping to find some of "it" at the cottage. If I could discover a way to "can it" and sell it - I'd be wealthy!! John: Thank-you too! I'm just happy that I thought to add it in the beginning...it's not the kind of addition you can make later on, without difficulty.
  6. Augie: :D Adrieke: Thanks! When I scaled down to 1:96 the brass tubing for the lanterns became too small to accommodate the wiring on the LEDs, so......fibre optics. Mark: Thanks! Your USS Constellation was the first ship I saw with lights, back on the old site. I made a mental note then, for a future build. The popcorn machine? I'll wait to see what you do with it.
  7. Beautiful job on the spritsail and running rigging! Maybe I could rent your spiders when the time comes for my rigging?
  8. I'm using the newer plans for my scratch build of the San Felipe....gun port placement was a HUGE concern for me, but luckily the horizontally placed wood strips cover so much area that it made it much easier. Page 6 & 9 of my build log show the unpainted and painted strips. Good luck!!!
  9. Thanks Steve. Hopefully there won't be any need for the stuff.....I think that Augie was intimating there was a larger "pest" that may need to be repelled. I was curious as to his method.
  10. Augie: Thank-you! What "repellent" works best? Anja: Thank-you! I had never thought of lights until I saw one of Mark Taylor's ships with lighting, back on MSW 1.0. I am really looking forward to the cottage - shopping, kayaking, fishing, boating, resting! Did I mention resting?!! Steve: Thanks too! I used yellow/amber LEDs with clear glass bulbs to achieve this look, and a lot of "finger crossing". Wayne: Thank-you as well! I'll do my best to enjoy the vacation. John: Thank-you! I'm glad everyone thinks the lights look like lanterns - that's the "look" I was trying to achieve.
  11. Our family is off the cottage, up north, this weekend and we'll be staying for a week, so the build will be on hold. I did manage to do a bit more work, but now have to prepare for holidays. The stern has had a new addition, and the second planking is underway. I also decided to test the LED lighting. The "fireworks" above the ship is fibre optics that I installed earlier in the build for the stern lanterns.
  12. Sjors and Paul: I love living in the country and do appreciate the property we have.
  13. Sjors: What you are seeing is part of our property...there's lots more on the other side of the house too. We enjoy the boat and are going out to the lake tomorrow. Popeye: Most of the land in that pic is ours. We have a large vegetable garden on the other side of the house. It's about 20 x 70 feet...it used to be twice that size years ago. We love the country too.
  14. Wow....you've made a nice bit of progress! You've spoiled us with all these pictures and now we will expect to see more!
  15. Absolutely beautiful work!! Definitely closing in on the finish line now!
  16. Okay, since this log is already hijacked, I'm going to add a little anecdote. We do have guns in our house and I usually just "kill" sheets of paper with round circles on them. We used to raise pheasants years ago. Our main breeding male escaped the enclosure and took up residence in the woods nearby. He would come back every day to visit his ladies and try as we may, we could never catch or trap him. His visits became fewer and further between until he only appeared a couple of times a month. One day when I was home alone, the pheasant returned. I headed out the door, 22 rifle in hand, and both the pheasant and I were on the run through the field. Without stopping, I raised the rifle and shot him through the neck. He was on the supper table that night!! The funniest part was a relative saying (in jest): "boy, I hope Gerry never tries to leave home." :D
  17. GREAT looking Sjors! Keep up the good work! Thanks for the pictures too!
  18. John: Thanks! Hopefully more pictures the first of next week. Mark: Thanks as well! Of course the gunports seem easy now. Shhhh...don't let my secret out about the termites. The good news about the 3 hour mowing job is that, usually my husband is home and we have 2 riders which literally "cuts" the job in half. Grant & Augie: My husband is retired and he says he has more time now to do things like the lawn! Of course we try to squeeze in time for fun diversions - hoping to get our retro speedboat out this weekend. (a full scale boat project from last year)
  19. Beautiful work Mobbsie! Very neat and tidy! Those cannons scare me....they make me think of the 108 that I will have to make for my ship!!
  20. 1400 lb moose!!! Boy have I been doing it wrong...I had to settle for a 2 1/2 pound rainbow trout...doesn't seem to measure up. What's the best lure for moose?
  21. Wayne: Thank-you! The flower bed isn't even fully in bloom yet. As for pictures....we have to keep a certain someone happy. Sjors: You are welcome! Some days I wish it only took 3 minutes for the lawn! We have 2 acres around our house...small by country standards, but large enough for us. Kevin: Thank-you! Augie: I have to confess that I actually like cutting the lawn...pretty sure it has something to do with the fact that I can sit the whole time though. Instead of planting flowers every year I planted perennials several years ago and...presto...lovely flowers without all the planting. Adrieke: Riding mower is definitely the way to go with a large lawn. I'm not well versed on Stephen King novels, so I googled this one .....moral of the story...do the lawn yourself!
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