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Everything posted by newbuilder101

  1. You've been very busy since I last checked in! Great job on the rigging. I see the bowsprit on your ship is like mine - a new learning curve for me. My first build had no top on the bowsprit like this one does.
  2. Thank-you all for your condolences and kind words! In times like these the true caliber of the members here shines through!
  3. I forgot to mention that he loved my model ships and was thrilled that I had taken up where my Dad left off...
  4. I would like to thank everyone for the kind words and well wishes for my brother. My heart is saddened, beyond words, to report that he passed away this afternoon. I know this is a build log for my ship, but I would like to post one photo as a mini tribute to him - my favourite photo of him: My "big" brother Brian
  5. Steve: Long time no see! Thanks for the smile and the good wishes. Grant: Thanks! It's funny now, how I view every little thing in a different light since I started ship modelling. My husband has caught me in the hardware store, fondly gazing at odd little bits and pieces and offering up a thoughtful "hmmmmm".(seeing the future potential for them) Robbyn: You're right about the basswood being more difficult to work with, but the wood strip in my photo is just that! First I find the direction of the grain - easiest with a piece of cloth, since it catches on the fibers when rubbed the wrong way, then I sand in one direction with the grain. The ark thing - I mentioned in an earlier post that one of my friends saw my model and said it looked like Noah's Ark! What I didn't mention is that she also thought I could put little animal heads poking out of all those "holes".
  6. Thanks Augie. I knew that when I first saw those toothpicks on the store shelf, they would have a future on my build. The dremel and razor blade trick is great....glad someone came up with the idea and that I was able to pass it on! Thank-you Frank! Your well wishes are appreciated. Thanks too, for your support on the "ark" issue - when no one else commented, I started to think maybe it did look like the ark!!!
  7. Not sure if this would be classed as cheating or resourcefulness, but when I saw these toothpicks a little light bulb turned on in my head! I needed to make some columns/pillars for the bow and these seemed to "fit the bill". Just had to cut the preformed tops off and sand them a bit and "voila" instant columns! Here you can see the end result with the doors, moulding and columns. I'm now working on the railings and have a couple of them installed:
  8. Another small update! Access doors to the bow: Followed by moulding for the upper hull - not sure of the proper nautical term for this? I cut a profile into a razor blade using my dremel and cut off disc, then proceeded to scrape the wood strip. I can't take any credit for this idea - it's been demonstrated on a few logs here.
  9. Mark, divarty, edmay, Matti and popeye: Thank-you all for your kind comments regarding my ship and words of encouragement for my brother.
  10. Bob: Thank-you! I'm glad to be back! Robbyn: Thank-you! I still stand back, scratching my head in amazement, at each completed component that goes together, stays together, and looks like it's supposed to!!! (as I mentioned, on another log, I once sewed the arms upside down on a dress) rwiederrich: Thank-you as well!
  11. Michael: Thank-you! It's wonderful to have all the positive support here on MSW! I showed a picture of my build to a friend, and she said it looked like the ark! Sjors & Anja: Thank-you both! Unfortunately my brother is not doing well and the outlook is not good, but thank-you for your kind words! Grant: Thank-you! Good to be back, and I hope to have a little more time in the shipyard soon.....and, of course, pictures!
  12. I did make some progress on my ship a little while ago, but am only getting around to posting the pictures now that I am home. I managed to install the rubbing strakes/wales, as well as some more of the gratings. The rubbing strakes are a rich brown, even though they appear to be more black in the photos. The blue is really most accurate in the middle photo, not actually the intense royal blue that you see in the first photo.
  13. Sorry folks for not getting back sooner. There has been a very serious family illness which took me quite some distance from home. I only "popped" in once in a while to click the like button here and there, and leave the occasional comment. I'm back home now and trying to catch up with all I've missed. Thank-you Michael, Mark, Tony, Matti and Johann for the wonderful comments!
  14. My condolences as well Andy. If you draw from your memories, I know you can put something great together for the remembrance celebration. Hopefully you'll be home with your family soon!
  15. Always top notch workmanship to view whenever I stop by your log! Rigging assemblies look fantastic!
  16. She is a beauty! There's a real sense of accomplishment and satisfaction when you complete a model.
  17. Pictures! Yay! The ships look great together!
  18. Beautiful planking! Those top views really show the wonderful contrast of colours of the various woods you have chosen to use....they compliment each other well!
  19. Beautiful job on the ship's boats! They look wonderful! Glad I only have 2, and not 4 to make.
  20. I'm with everyone else .....looks great and can't wait to see the planking. Have I got this right - the sweep ports were for long oars in the event of lack of wind?
  21. Sinan: Thank-you! The scale definitely has its challenges. Robbyn: Yes, I knew what you meant. Thanks again for the encouraging comments.
  22. Augie: John: Thank-you! demonborger: I am planning to use wipe-on-poly over the natural wood - it's walnut so will darken. Part of me would like to paint below the waterline white, so it would be more accurate, but the other part of me leans toward the display aesthetics and the look of unpainted wood. Bob:
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