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Everything posted by newbuilder101

  1. Glad to hear you are starting to feel better and that your internet is back!
  2. I just finished going through your entire build log and it's terrific! I love the colour for the hull and the red you have chosen for the accents is very nice. The Vasa is a beautiful ship and you are doing a great job on her...I will be watching from now on!
  3. Those nettings are wonderful! Are you going to display the hammocks stowed...or at least some of them? I'm also curious to see what you come up with for the stern.
  4. The planking is looking great! Having never dealt with ebony, I have no input but will watch and learn. My husband was looking forward to his retirement too. He's (we've) been busier now than ever - aging parents that require full time care pretty much fill up our days. So, here's wishing you a wonderful retirement filled only with the things you desire to do!
  5. Sorry to hear you had a stint in the hospital, but glad to hear it wasn't too serious! I'll pull up a chair for the Confederacy build as well, but will watch the Syren case take shape first.
  6. Never ceases to amaze me how crisp, clean and lovely your work is!
  7. Terrific job on those anchors! You've achieved a high level of realism!
  8. I never know what to expect when I've been away for a while and then stop by your log for a look. What do I find? Gnome infestations - possibly global, and coloured ratlines...no wonder you have chest pains! Seriously though, hope you are feeling better soon. The ratlines are looking terrific...keep up the good work!
  9. My, but you have been busy since I last looked in. Super job on the planking...she's looking great!
  10. It seems that this summer has been more busy than usual, which means the shipyard has been fairly quiet. Thought I'd include a couple of pictures of our garden bounty. The cherry tomato plants, that I'm standing behind, went a little crazy this year. I'm 5'7" and they are a couple of feet above my head! I have a small update as well: The upper portion of the second planking is complete. I've made and installed the support beams and columns for the fore deck, and the second planking is done on the lower section of the stern - not sure of the name of this part - it's the thick section below the lower gallery. I salvaged a beautiful block of cherry wood from the wood pile and have been drying it now for a couple of months. I'm thinking of using it for the deck furniture etc.......but first, the rest of the planking.
  11. Kay: Thank-you! Beautiful job on your San Felipe - very clean and crisp!!! It will definitely be an inspiration for my build. Thank-you for the drawings as well. Frank: Thank-you! I noticed a couple of lovely anchors on your build that would be right at home on my ship!
  12. Thanks Paul! That's your blog?????!!!!!!!!!! WOW! I've been using it for reference for a while!!!
  13. I'll try to help things along with this post. Surely we can push this to 100!
  14. Shrouds are looking great! Wishing you all the best as you embark on a new and exciting journey. If you are fortunate enough to have even half the happiness I have enjoyed through married life...then you will be truly blessed!
  15. Okay....this is "a day in the life"....... I came to the computer without my reading glasses and saw that Popeye was next in line for commode!!?? The moral of the story is: if you need glasses to read.......wear them!!!! :D Although.......it can be more entertaining without them.
  16. Looking very, very nice Mark. The nice thing with these variations on the French ships - it gives you a choice. If there's no concrete evidence in either direction, then I think you should follow the advice I've seen you give to others - you're the captain, it's your call.
  17. Great job on the ship's boat and railings - all these additions are really making her look good! 11 pictures in 2 days!!! Thanks!!!
  18. Truly an exceptional build by someone I suspect is an exceptional person....if that tribute is any indication of the character of the man! Beautiful, beautiful ship...something to be very proud of!!!! Have a safe and wonderful trip and see you in the fall!
  19. Thanks everyone for the warm welcome back! I haven't found much time to work on the planking yet.....but soon.
  20. Just got back from vacation and while catching up on this log, I came to the exact same conclusion!!! Don't want to upset the balance, but a few words about the build - she's really a very lovely ship Augie. Looking forward to your decision for the next build!
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