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Everything posted by newbuilder101

  1. George: Thank-you very much! Robbyn: Thank-you as well! Actually I've been thinking of a future project - a completely hand carved miniature ship. Steve: Okay...my secret is found out now! Thanks, and yes, I'll let you know abut the help! Frank: Thank-you...I try! Anja: Thank-you! Haven't seen you around for a while. Ed: Thank-you for the kind comments as well! Michael: The basswood was definitely tricky to carve...thanks! Sjors: Thanks! Yes, I did it all with a scalpel...maybe should have been a surgeon?
  2. Eamonn: Thank-you! Give it a try...you might be surprised with the end result! Andy: Augie: Thank-you! Many more carvings ahead...maybe a moose mascot for your log. Adrieke: Thank-you! Sovereign of the Seas??!! I think this ship has just about all the carvings I can handle. Mark: Thank-you as well! Whittlin' would be a lot easier on the nerves and eyes!
  3. Have to agree with everyone - very nice shrouds and lanyards. Maybe you could borrow Augie's spiders for the ratlines...he won't need them for a little while! I don't think you'd want Sjors' gnomes...they sound like trouble.
  4. I really like Michael's "definition" for what I am doing. It's actually quite true. So....I did some more "juggling the order" and decided to carve the figurehead. It's not that I don't like planking, it's just a tad monotonous compared to other tasks. The figurehead is in 2 pieces and was hand carved from a small block of basswood. The scalpel in the photo is for size comparison. The figurehead appears larger than it really is when dry fitted on the stem because of the angle of the photograph. (That being said - it is probably a little off scale, but I'm happy with and will leave it as is.)
  5. Oh no! I might have made the top into a Frisbee at this point! Sorry about the "mishap" - it would be very frustrating I'm sure. Your SF looks great, so keep going - the finish line really is out there. If your idea works - great! If you go with Randy's idea, you could add a band of wood over the lines to give the appearance of them going through the wood (I would probably file slight notches to accommodate the lines). As Randy said: "not an accepted rigging solution", but one that would maybe give the illusion of being correct.
  6. How did I miss this? I finally show up for the party and you're already on page 3!! Okay, I'm pulling up a chair in the front row too.
  7. I see the gnomes have been very busy! The ratlines are looking great...thanks for the pictures!
  8. Looking great Augie! At this rate you'' be finished your ship before I finish my planking!
  9. Happy Birthday Matti. Hope you have a terrific day!
  10. I had to translate the above comment. Thank you Григорий (English only please)
  11. As everyone else has already stated....she's really looking great.
  12. Glad you're feeling better too. Now for pictures!
  13. Nice work on the catheads! Shame about the beam, but having seen your past repairs I know it will be great!
  14. Thanks Christian for the word of caution. I don't want a snapped keel either. I have already drilled through the false keel into the more stable inner wood. The pedestals will be drilled as well and long steel pins (or tiny threaded rod) will be fixed in both so the false keel won't be vulnerable to separation.
  15. Grant: Thanks! The diversions are a GREAT distraction! Sjors: Thanks! I like that advice! I have to remember that those orders came from a Commodore and a Captain...but then again, you're a Commodore too, so I could follow your directions. Better yet...as it has been duly noted here, I am an Admiral regardless of the designation above my avatar! Mark: See Augie's suggestion. Augie: Thanks for providing the solution! Popeye: Thanks! If diversions are a direct result of craziness then I'm.............not finishing that sentence!!! Wayne: Thanks! Isn't easily distracted part of the diagnosis for...........never mind!
  16. The second planking is tedious and time consuming and seems to be moving at a snails pace, which I blame on spiling of the bow planks! For a change of pace, I decided to make the display base. I found these little gems, by accident, at the local hardware store. A little cutting sanding and slotting transformed them into pedestals and saved me setting up the lathe! Before and after. My next door neighbor, and cousin, is a cabinet maker. A little scrounging in his "scrap" bin revealed a lovely piece of ash. He discarded it because it had a slight bow and he would lose the needed thickness if planed. Since I didn't need a "standard" or set thickness, it was off the jointer and then the planer to remove the offending curve. (He was kind enough to perform those steps for me) After cutting it to the desired dimensions, (6"x14") I dusted off the router and gave it a Roman Ogee profile - without the top step. This is the end result, but nothing is fixed permanently at this stage. That's it for now...back to planking....
  17. Augie: I guess I must be a century or two behind then canning is well under way here. A little sawdust here.....a little tomato there. I don't process the volume of food that I used to, but the freezer and shelves will be full when I'm finished. Popeye:
  18. Thanks everyone for the kind comments and likes - they are very much appreciated! Hope to have an update soon. As for the garden, we have definitely been enjoying the fresh produce...it will be hard to see it end.
  19. Well...I think I'm too late for the first row, but I'll definitely pull up a chair in the second row. Looking forward to "the show". I know you will do her justice.
  20. Super job on the stern and catheads! She definitely is unique and beautiful!
  21. Completed, or not, I still have to add my "WOW"! Absolutely beautiful Augie - ship and case!
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