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Everything posted by newbuilder101

  1. Not much change since the last the last pictures I posted, but there has been a little progress. The half deck is planked...the fore and poop decks are just loosely sitting in place, but not glued. The inner bulwarks (?) are planked with walnut. I am thinking about measuring and cutting the gun ports before the second planking...the thought of waiting to do it after the second planking has me nervous. Any tips, pointers, advice before I venture into that realm?
  2. runner63: Thank-you! Ronald: I think Steve had some good suggestions. My first ship was a kit build and I only used hand tools for that. Since this is a scratch build I am using more power tools, but still make use of a lot of hand ones and I can only give advice on that with which I am familiar. What I have used so far and will use in the future: Scroll saw - especially for cutting keel and bulkheads or frames. Drill and/or Dremel - can be used as a lathe and is great for masts, yards, stanchions, belaying pins and maybe even wooden canons! Table saw (milling some of my own wood) Iron for plank bending I would love to have a micro table saw...maybe in the future. I hope this helps. Steve and Grant: Thanks for your suggestions and input!
  3. She really is looking lovely Russ...also looking forward to your next update!
  4. Looking great Sjors! I think maybe you do hear the "dark side" calling your name.
  5. I have never done coppering before, but I do have one suggestion..........keep up the good work! It really looks great!
  6. Another "girl" is going to add her two cents worth. Those same parts exist in my brain: Mine would probably rebel also...have to say I like the sweeping lines, even though not correct. This is one reason I didn't paint my previous build...dear knows what I would have done with the paint!
  7. Wow...I don't check in for a day and when I come back I see padded rooms, nuts and straight jackets! What next???? Don't want to forget to say the new paint colour looks really good...a little more subtle.
  8. Great progress! Funny thing....the hull looked like that of a much larger ship until the pilot house was added. She's looking very good!
  9. Good luck on the move, and enjoy the festival circuit. Maine is a lovely state, have relatives in Millinocket and Bar Harbor. We'll be watching for updates in the winter.
  10. Beautiful! You've really done a spectacular job on her....rigging and all!
  11. Joining in a little late, but the planking does look really good. Good luck with the sanding.
  12. Well then, I guess the first order of business as admiral, is to make sure more progress is made on the San Felipe (Phil).
  13. Just finished going through your build log...you're doing a great job! Keep up the good work. I'll be tuning in for more updates.
  14. Looks great Sjors! That's more cannonballs for the Spanish Fleet!
  15. Nice progress Sjors...keep up the good work, and thanks for the pictures!
  16. Great start on the launch! I will be watching, as I have a couple of those to build later on...
  17. Your rigging is looking great Andy...have to agree with the others, very neat and tidy!
  18. Thank-you everyone for the responses! It's really appreciated! Steve: My guess was that the great cabin was under #3 too, but I wasn't sure. It seems that everyone, basically, is in agreement. LOL. Suddenly I did receive some responses - I think you started something! Robbyn: I know what you mean about summer - too many jobs and not enough time, especially for model building!!! Piet: I agree with Steve...LOL. I agree with you on keeping the deck light. The thing is, I had birch veneer on hand which is very, very light in colour. I still had some deck planks left from my Mayflower kit and compared - the birch looks almost white in comparison. I only used one coat of honey maple and didn't wait long to wipe it off. I'm quite happy with the result. I like the contrast too and can't wait to put the walnut planking on her. Mark: Interesting thought...I'm sure any Captain, back in the day, would have liked your idea as well! Augie: First I have to say that I've noticed that the wives here on MSW are referred to as "The Admiral". (No worries...I think it's quite funny) That being said, your comment: "Might have depended on who was Admiral" made me chuckle. It would stand to reason, by MSW standards, that I am the Admiral, and in my case the captain shares my quarters (or should that be 1st mate)! This 'cat' let the mouse move up, and in, a long, long time ago! Kevin: Oooops! Thanks for the thought anyway! Ronald: I'm probably not the best person to ask about model tools. I have a tendency to do a lot of work by hand. We have a fully stocked workshop, but they are full sized power tools and most are not too practical for small scale work. I did buy a scroll saw and think that is a must. If I was to buy another tool now, it would be a hobby size table saw. I do have a dremmel and think that will be handy later on for carving etc. Dave: Thanks...didn't know that. Learn something new all the time here. Nigel: Another vote for #3 being the great cabin - thanks!
  19. I thought it looked great before, but I can see a definite improvement on this one. No chance of the deadeye slipping out now!
  20. I used basswood for my false keel and stem and used 320 grit as well, but didn't like the results either. I have 600 grit automotive sandpaper on hand and it made the wood really smooth, but still had to do it lightly. It might be worth a try for you.
  21. Okay...I thought I had it figured out before...that you did builds in your sleep. Now I think it must be that there are two Popeyes! Are you sure there aren't more hours in your day? Seriously, great to see another build.
  22. Looks like the experimentation process paid off.....the final photo shows a keeper!
  23. Thank-you for the answers to my questions and extra information as well. I was somewhat confident on the decks, but not the great cabin.
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