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Daniel Dusek

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Posts posted by Daniel Dusek

  1. Hello,

    Dirk-yes I will use it as a master for resin casting (actually not this one because this one will be on prototype model of ST ;) ) so I have to print one another figurehead.


    Sjors-do not worry, I know that you was joking :)


    Ron-Actualy I think that the nails was knock so hardly that the plates look like have dimbles, look here for example:





    The truth is that the dimbles are not so big as in my case but it is limit of my current technology :). I think smaller dots on the stamp would be too fragile. 



  2. Hi all,

    Don-I am a little delay with the Statenyacht due to re-releasing of Mamoli kits. Now I am finishing instructions and plans. I hope it could be ready at the end of September, but I will release the kit later together with some bigger Mamoli kits because I will let to print boxes together. But for someone wwho do not need the kit in nice box I will be able to sell the kit in some white box sooner.


    Overdale-unfortunately in near future I will be too busy (finishing of statenyacht, releasing of mamoli , Santisima Trinidad and etc.) so Iwill be no able to do this in near future.


    Nils-I made whole hull copper sheathing with the one stamp without some degradation, I used soft wood (lime wood) as counterpart so the resin part was not damaged.


    Sjors-Yes it is was ship so the Michael cannot be too laughing :), Unfortunately the dutch manual will be not available propably because translation is quite expensive and I do not except that the kit will be some big bestseller. Releasing time is not known yet but I suppose that finishing of the prototype can take 1 year and another year can take preparation of instructions and plans.




  3. Hello All,

    After longet time I can present some progress. I made some progress on Santisima Trinidad copper sheathing. I use copper tape and 3D printed stamp which is pressed into the tape. I suppose that the kit will also contain just that stamp made from resin-one for starboard and one port side.

    Best regards







  4. Hello all,

    I made some progress on Santisima Trinidad. First of all I need to thank to Pablo from Spain (in this forum known as Anaga) who is my consultant during designing of the kit and who give me a lot of important information about the Santisima Trinidad. After consultation with Pablo I decide that the kit will offer two options for building the stern gallery-one is shown in the photo of prototype model and one is shown in render from 3D CAD.

    The kit will contain gun carriage and full gun barrels in all four gun decks (36pdr guns are shown in the photos).

    Best regards










  5. Jan, the basic configuration will stay the same like it is now because the plans are not in some CAD file but mainly hand made drawings and big rebuild would be too difficult and economicaly disadvantageous. I plan to redesign mainly the skeleton of the hull, new keel and posts of some models and then partial parts as for example gun carriages, gratings, capstans, maybe ships boat for bigger kits and similar details which are often replaced by scratch build.


    Scott, it will depend on sales, sometimes it is really interesting that fiction ships are better selling article than real ships ;)


  6. Thanks guys for all coments and likes.

    I plan to redesign some parts in the kits (especialy some which was produced from metal and could be easily produced from wood), also I would like to redesign skeletons of the hull of some ships (using of precut gun ports and etc.). The models will still sell under the Mamoli brand and MiniMamoli kit will have pre-carved hulls.


  7. Hello all,

    As many of you know company C.Mamoli (producer of Mamoli model kits) completely burn down two years back.

    I would like to inform you that this week after long time negotiations me and owners of C.Mamoli sign the contract for transfer license of all Mamoli model kits into my ownership.

    As there are no parts which survived from the fire I have to start production from beginning and for this reason I cannot start production of all kits at the same time.

    I plan to start production of MiniMamoli kits first which could be available in the Autumn and then I would like to add step by step also the kits from MV series. I also plan to redesign some MV kits into contemporary standards.

    Best regards

    Daniel Dusek

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