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Greg the peg leg sailor

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Everything posted by Greg the peg leg sailor

  1. G'day Danny Sorry to mention this to you. The St. Andrew's Cross the flag of Scotland, looks to me very thin. Havagooday Greg
  2. G'day Dave Thought this might be a help to you. The replica in Sydney has about 40mm gunwales and 180 to 200mm rougtreerails. The stern roughtreerails are about 120mm. See photo Havagooday Greg
  3. G'day Danny Another exceptional step by step pictorial log, marvelous piece of artmanship (craftsmanship with art). I agree with all the other post mate Goodonyamate Greg
  4. Ditto for me Danny, I've, and I'm sure everyone has learnt a great deal from your wonderful pictorial step by step lessons. Bravo mate, just brilliant! I also agree with George 150%. Haveagreatone Greg
  5. G'day Izzy You are a mad alchemist my dear mate! Well done Havagooday Greg
  6. G'day Danny Another fine example of your skills but this time it's your blacksmith skills are shinning through. "What can't you do?" Haveagreatone Greg
  7. G'day Alexandru I thought it was a stupid question, and I was right.
  8. G'day Danny As I was going through the log I thought to myself "fantastic", then, I saw the ruler next to the gun and I said to myself, "jee wizz", that's bloody small. It is amazing how well you can do small and detailed work! Can't wait for the next chapter in this fantastic log!
  9. G'day Alexandru Your workmanship is outstanding. Can I ask you a silly question? What is the string for, I know it's to line up something, but what is being lined up? Well anyway mate, I will be looking forward to see your new log entry. Have a good day. Greg
  10. G'day Denis Bummer is all I can say for you. I'm very sorry about the clear skylights. I've got an idea that might help, have you thought about getting some plastic laminate sheets. it is only an idea but it might work. Well anyway mate have a good day. Greg
  11. G'day Johann Beautiful work is all I can say! What is the size of planking that you are using? 6 x 1 mm, I'm only guessing? The tapering is so exact, it's mind boggling! Haveagreatone Greg
  12. G'day Denis Thank you very much for in depth answer. I didn't realise that there vast arrays of difficulty in plastic! I guess on one level plastic could be harder than wood because you don't have the same amount of latitude as in wood. Btw your Titanic is coming on great gun! Havagooday Greg
  13. Great idea about the treenails. And the hull looks great. Did you say after hours? Or do you mean days? Lovit. Greg
  14. G'day Johann Beautiful work on the planking and the ribs. Great job again. Havagooday Greg
  15. Another example of pure genius! Looking forward to more updates on the divat. Question: are there only one divat per ship, or are there one on each side? All the info I can find points me to the conclusion there is only one which is moved from port to starboard. Havagooday Greg
  16. This is true to me as well. In actual fact, I have never thought twice about plastic model, but your build and log has changed my view completely!
  17. G'day Denis Thinking outside of the square: could you use a fan on the windows while it's drying, that way the fume might not build up and cause the metal to discolour! Havagooday Greg
  18. G'day Denis I'm so glad I was wrong! The varnished finish is wonderful. Havagooday Greg
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