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Posts posted by KeithAug

  1. Finishing the hull.


    A very short post this time.


    Having completed the deck planking i gave it 4 coats of varnish.


    I wanted to keep paintwork to a minimum so decided that I would only paint the broad waterline band, a hull stripe and the deck edge plank. I decided to paint all in white using Humbrol enamel paint.


    I masked the hull for the waterline band using Tamiya low tack tape and painted it with an airbrush. I made sure the tape edges were well pressed down to eliminate bleed. Marking the position of the masking tape was done as per the kit instructions. 


    The hull stripe was marked parallel with the deck using a folded piece of card (held against the deck and hull) to make sure that the distance to the deck was consistent. Two strips of tape were applied with a gap between, which was then hand painted.


    The deck edge plank was masked along the outer caulking line on the deck planks and at the top level of the hull. The masked deck edge plank was then hand painted.


    I didn't take many photographs at this stage but the attached photographs, which were taken later in the build, give some idea of the finish achieved.post-17220-0-43637400-1436187910_thumb.jpost-17220-0-59648500-1436188000_thumb.jpost-17220-0-28836600-1436188063_thumb.j




  2. The deck.


    The Amati version of the model has a number of deck features that do not appear on the 1989 restoration.


    In particular the 1934 version has washboards at the deck edge and handrails (see photopost-17220-0-15758900-1436114199_thumb.j) a number of planks in from the edge. These features would obviously complicate the laying and sanding of the deck and I was pleased to be able to avoid them.


    In the Amati kit version the 2.5mm (0.10") by 0.75mm (.030") deck planks are laid commencing at the deck edge, with planks being adjacent to one another without special attention being paid to caulking. I decided to experiment to see if I could achieve a more realistic finish.


    The following test piece shows the 3 options I considered (all have been sanded).post-17220-0-18947100-1436114980_thumb.j


    Option 1 - is as Amati envisaged - the effect isn't a distinctive as I wanted.

    Option 2 - I have used a felt pen to colour the plank edges before assembly - rejected because the bleed of the edge colour is uneven and unsightly.

    Option 3 - I have laid 1mm (.040") strips of thin black card between the planks - this is the option I chose.


    The Amati build suggests laying a few planks along the centreline of the deck before  proceeding to lay the deck commencing at the deck edge. The edge planks being tapered to conform with the deck centreline planks where they meet. 


    To enhance the deck further I laid a mahogany central deck strip and "notched" the deck edge strips into this to give a more attractive finish.


    The following photographs illustrate progress.


    The first photographs show a number of deck planks (and paper caulking strips) in place and notched into the central mahogany strip. The end of one of card caulking strips can be seen in the middle of the deck.post-17220-0-10889900-1436115832_thumb.j

    The next photograph show the deck at the stern. I have sanded a small area to make sure the effect that I wanted was being achieved.post-17220-0-02636700-1436116254_thumb.j

    The next few images display progress.post-17220-0-09862700-1436116416_thumb.jpost-17220-0-89563600-1436116478_thumb.jpost-17220-0-41606300-1436116615_thumb.j

    This final 2 images show the deck complete with a first coat of varnish. (A few deck features are in place - they were produced as a diversion from the tedium of laying the deck)post-17220-0-00990500-1436116792_thumb.jpost-17220-0-61126000-1436116981_thumb.j










  3. Finishing the hull and rudder.


    I decided to paint the hull with clear satin finish varnish. I tend to brush paint large hulls even though I do have an air brush. I thin the varnish so that it is quite fluid as as I find this gives a more consistent finish. I apply the varnish quite thinly and take care to check for any runs during the paint application as it much easier to correct at this stage. I always brush along the planks. I expected to have to apply at least 4 coats but in the end applied 5. I allowed 1 day for each coat to dry and sanded between coats with 600 grit wet and dry (used dry). After sanding I wiped down the hull with a wet lint free cloth to remove all dust before the next coat.


    Photos pre and post first coat - the varnish is still wet.  (Note the drop keel still covered in protective masking tape and propped in the open position by a spare piece of balsa).post-17220-0-89230700-1435848640_thumb.jpost-17220-0-84722100-1435848715_thumb.jpost-17220-0-48487100-1435848805_thumb.j

    Having completed the first 2 coats I made and attached the rudder. The kit provides 2 rudder plywood cut outs (one shown in photo) each 5mm (0.2") thick and indicates these are to be glued together before shaping. The reason for the double thickness is that the rudder has to be thicker than 5mm at top and bottom to flare smoothly into the hull and the keel. The kit method of forming the rudder to me seemed to involve excessive sanding and I took a single thickness of rudder and applied a few left over hull planks at the top and the button to give me the extra thickness needed for shaping. I then sanded the rudder using the hull as a guide to make sure that the flaring was correct. See photos - post-17220-0-60543000-1435849764_thumb.jpost-17220-0-93190000-1435849824_thumb.j

    The rudder was finished slightly under size as I planned to plank it with to match the hull. I also wanted to give it some highlights. See photospost-17220-0-41324400-1435849991_thumb.jpost-17220-0-21101700-1435850047_thumb.j

    The final photo shows the rudder attached to the hull with all 5 varnish coats applied.post-17220-0-68097400-1435850168_thumb.j









  4. 2nd Planking 2nd side.


    Yves - thank you for the comment.


    The second side is in the main a repeat of the 1st with a few additions. As before I will cover it mainly by photos.post-17220-0-64432800-1435747949_thumb.jpost-17220-0-18496400-1435748024_thumb.jpost-17220-0-79107500-1435748239_thumb.jpost-17220-0-36209600-1435748348_thumb.j


    In the 4th photo you can see the nylon (white) roller that I used to press the second planks down during gluing. Also you can see that a small section of 2nd planking is missing from the hull at the upper end of the rudder. This piece has a significant curvature and you can see it pinned on to the cork block. This piece is drying having been soaked in boiling water and bent to the correct shape before being held in shape with pins.


    I can get a bit obsessive, even planking areas that will not be visible on the final hull. The next photograph sows a case in point.post-17220-0-10073900-1435749589_thumb.j

    This area was also planked.post-17220-0-68775800-1435749680_thumb.j

    Having completed the second planking it was time for sanding. You will have seen from earlier posts that I was concerned not to sand through the 2nd planks and I was therefore very careful during the sanding operation. All sanding was done manually using wet and dry paper (used dry), progressively using 120, 240, 400 grit. Pressure was kept light with frequent checks on the surface to ensure that the desired shape was being achieved while minimising surface removal.post-17220-0-19672800-1435749784_thumb.j

    Finally for this post I needed to finish the stern. I decided to give the hull a few high-lights and this was one of them (the hull has been wiped with a damp cloth to bring out the colour).post-17220-0-00298300-1435749995_thumb.j










  5. 2nd planking - 1st side


    I am going to cover this mainly in photographs with comments appended.


    The kit sequence for planking is 1st planking, 2nd mahogany planking, plywood sub deck then deck edge strip. This is ok if the sides of the hull are to be painted as the exposed plywood and deck edge plank will be covered. As i was planning a mahogany finished hull I needed to have the deck edge covered in mahogany hence my sequence of 1st planking, deck, 2nd mahogany planking. One advantage of my sequence is that the 1st and second planks are offset by circa 2mm (.080") - the thickness of the sub deck and deck edge strip. I believe this aids the smoothness of finish.


    The mahogany planks are 4mm (.160") x 0.5mm (.020"). Because the planks are very thin they need to be applied uniformly and smoothly so that sanding can be minimised.


    The next 2 images show about 1/3 of the planks applied. The planks are glued with wood glue and pressed in place by a hard nylon roller. In the second photo the 1st planking finish at the stern can be seen. This is as recommended in the kit.post-17220-0-93346600-1435611425_thumb.jpost-17220-0-96147100-1435611536_thumb.j


    More planks.post-17220-0-57227700-1435611662_thumb.j


    As the stem starts to transition from sharp to rounded, 2.5mm wide strips are laid along the length of the keel. More easily seen in the 2nd image. post-17220-0-55387100-1435611877_thumb.jpost-17220-0-43806800-1435611956_thumb.j


    More strips along the keel and then more hull planks etc. etc. In the 2nd to last photo the drop keel can be seen - at this stage covered in masking tape to protect the polished bass surface. post-17220-0-18356500-1435612075_thumb.jpost-17220-0-52686900-1435612149_thumb.jpost-17220-0-00485700-1435612222_thumb.jpost-17220-0-34779300-1435612306_thumb.jpost-17220-0-44618500-1435612368_thumb.j


    None of the planking has been sanded at this stage.


    Next time I will cover finishing the hull planking.











  6. The sub deck.


    Thank you for the comments on 1st planking - I should probably have said that the sanding was manual - using a cork sanding block. I lightly sanded with 80 grit oxide paper and completed with 120 grit.


    The next step was to fit the plywood sub deck (2 pieces) and the strips around the deck edge. This wasn't a difficult operation and requires little description here. I aligned and held the deck in place with elastic bands before drilling 0.75mm (.030") holes at strategic points to take alignment pins (e.g. white headed pin in photo). I then removed the sub deck glued and re-fixed it with the alignment pins in place. The alignment pins prevented any movement while gluing. The deck was held in place by elastic bands while the glue dried. Elastic bands can tend to exert most pressure at the deck edge and an off cut of wood was placed along the length of the deck to ensure pressure was also applied to centre of the sub deck. See Photopost-17220-0-87311900-1435410082_thumb.j

    I sanded the edge of plywood sub deck to mach the hull profile before proceeding to the next stage.


    Because I was building the 1989 version of Endeavour the deck planking was going to be different to that described in the kit instructions. I will cover deck planking in more detail in a later post. The relevance to this post is that I could use spare 1mm X 4mm hull planking to edge the deck. The deck edge plank needed to bend to follow the edge of the deck quite precisely and I used pins to make sure that it was glued in the correct position (again using elastic bands to hold the edge planking while the glue dried. See photo.post-17220-0-65137300-1435411020_thumb.j


    The final step was to sand the  deck edge planking to match the hull profile.


    The next post will cover 2nd planking with the 0.5mm (0.020") x 4mm (0.160") mahogany 2nd hull planks. Hopefully the next post will be of more interest than this one.



  7. First Planking.


    The Amati instructions suggest planking the keel bulb first using the 2mm x 2mm strips - these being double the thickness of the standard planks. The instructions suggest that the bulb planking does not exceed a height of 3cm. The instructions then suggest starting the hull planking at deck level and tapering the ends of the planks towards stem and stern. Towards the middle of the hull the kit provides a double width frame on which to start the planks running fore and aft.


    I wondered if I could make the first planking simpler and decided to try a different approach.


    I started at deck level. The balsa backing has a number of advantages when planking - the first being that planks can be held in place by notice board pins while the glue dries. See photo.post-17220-0-60736400-1435091939_thumb.j


    I proceeded adding planks until I had about 10 rows of planks in place. Because of the balsa backing the hull was already rigid and this allowed me to plank one side, rather that doing both sides simultaneously. Also I didn't need to worry about always starting the planks at the double width frame (I didn't actually fit it) and could stagger alternating layers of planks. This gave a smoother hull shape.


    Having completed the the first 10 rows I used a piece of card to draw lines on the hull where subsequent rows would fall. This convinced me that I could proceed with further layers without the need to taper the planks to stem and stern. See photo.post-17220-0-55506600-1435093547_thumb.j

    The next series of photos show progress.post-17220-0-92745800-1435093741_thumb.jpost-17220-0-27421900-1435093818_thumb.j


    As the planking progressed the planks followed closely the lines drawn on the hull. As the planks reached the start of the keel the sharp angle of the bow started to become rounded as it blended into the bulb of the keel.  This became the obvious point at which to run 2 of the 2mm x 2mm "bulb planks" along the length of the keel, before proceeding with more of the hull planks. See photo. post-17220-0-75362500-1435093888_thumb.j

    I found elastic bands very useful for holding the keel strips in place. Also because of the sharp curvature of the keel I did sand off the sides to make them trapezoidal rather than square.


    Having completed several more hull planks the keel bulb curvature once again indicated that a further 2mm x 2mm strips need to be laid along the keel length. This process continued until the hull planking was almost complete. See photo.post-17220-0-05457000-1435094984_thumb.j

    The black marking on the previous photograph shows the shape of the final closing plank. This was the only hull plank that I real had to shape.


    Having completed one side the 2nd side was a repeat of the first.post-17220-0-80276400-1435095538_thumb.j


    I wanted the final hull to be predominantly varnished mahogany and I knew that the quality of first planking had to be very good. I set myself the challenge of completing the first planking without using any filler. The next photo show the shaded hull (the elastic bands are temporally holding the deck in place). No filler was used and no breakthrough into the balsa backing occurred during sanding. See photo.post-17220-0-92886100-1435096236_thumb.j


    In the next post I will cover attaching the deck.









  8. Pondering Planking


    At 1mm x 4mm (.040" x .160") the 1st planking strips are much thinner than those I have used for planking on previous models. I tend to use 1.5mm (.060") planks on large scratch built hulls. Also the spacing of the frames at circa 75mm (3") is greater than I would have desired. Reading previous posts and based on my own experience I was concerned that the planks would tend not to hold a smooth curve between frames and that sanding to achieve a smooth curve would lead to unacceptable thinning and lack of robustness in the finished hull. I didn't want to discard the kit planks so I decided to back the planks with balsa. A pack of 10 sheets of 12mm x 74mm x 450mm cost me £10 and this was sufficient for the whole hull. The next image shows the start of the process. post-17220-0-85287700-1434823949_thumb.j


    I mentioned in an earlier post that didn't follow the build instructions and that this gave me a problem. The Amati instructions suggest tacking the the thin plywood deck in place to hold the frames in shape while gluing. I didn't do this and ended up with the assembled frames having a lateral bow of 2mm. I think that following the instructions would have prevented this. Additionally the frames had about a 2 degree twist bow to stern. The deck offers little resistance to twisting and I don't think that tacking the deck in place would have helped prevent this. Using a solid building frame would have been the best option. However both problems were easily resolved by solidly bolting the assembled and glued frame on to a 25mm (1") thick piece of square and flat oak plank. Forcing the frame into the correct shape before completing the balsa backing layer. Once the backing layer was complete it formed a very rigid shell which held the frames in the correct alignment. The next 2 images show the oak "strong back" in place.post-17220-0-57364700-1434825723_thumb.jpost-17220-0-13210600-1434825796_thumb.j

    In retrospect I  was very please that I had remembered to check the frame alignment while I still had time to do something about it!!!!!!


    Having completed the backing layer, sanding was a relatively straight forward. I always try to use a sanding block and sand along the lines of the hull as I find this allows me to form a smooth transition of curvature. Feel is important when shaping the hull and I don't recommend the use of power tools for this operation. I try to get the shape generally correct without sanding down as far as the frames in the first instance. See photo.post-17220-0-03909500-1434826439_thumb.j


    As can be seen in the previous photograph the edges of the frames have been discoloured brown by the laser cutting operation. This forms a useful guide when finish sanding the backing layer, as once the discolouration is removed the hull has achieved its desired shape and its time for sanding to stop. See Images.post-17220-0-13308100-1434826780_thumb.jpost-17220-0-20872600-1434826852_thumb.j


    With the backing complete it was time to start the base planking. I found the oak strong back useful for holding the hull while working on it and I decided to retain it for the planking operation. I'll cover base planking in my next post.









  9. Drop Keel


    A short post this time.


    The Amati keel is 2mm (.080") thick 3 ply plywood with the outer layers being of mahogany. My keel had a 0.5mm ( 0.020") bow across the width. I decided to replace the supplied keel with one made of brass. I had a piece of brass plate to hand which was 3mm (.125") thick and I milled this down to the desired thickness. I then cut and filed it to shape using the supplied drop keel as a template. To achieve a mirror finish I hand finished with successively finer grades of wet and dry paper, finishing with 600 grit. The final polishing was done with Brasso (polishing compound). 

    I drilled and reamed a .250" hole in the keel and turned a pivot pin to a diameter of .2495" from brass rod. I machined a corresponding hole in the keel piece before glueing it in place. The following photographs illustrate the process.




  10. Thoughts on frames!!!!


    Firstly thank you to those who have viewed / replied already. 


    The frames were laser cut and popped out of the plywood sheet quite easily. The edges were sharp with a good finish. The notches which join the frames to the longitudinal beams were too tight to assemble and nearly all of them had to be eased with a file. Once eased the skeleton slotted together well and created a stable structure even without glue. post-17220-0-17334600-1434491077_thumb.j



    An interesting / unusual (at least to me) feature of the kit is that the keel isn't continuous. This and the fact that I didn't follow the build instructions gave me a problem which I needed to correct later in the build (more detail in later post). I glued the skeleton together at this stage but decided I wasn't happy with Amati's solution for bridging the 6 frames (5 spaces) where the keel wasn't continuous. I particularly disliked Amati's solution for mounting the drop keel as it seemed very fragile. The following photograph shows two of the Amati keel pieces held in place with masking tape. post-17220-0-26033700-1434491909_thumb.j


    I replaced the Amati inserts with something a little more substantial as illustrated in this picture.post-17220-0-16610500-1434492285_thumb.j


    The 2 mahogany plywood bridging pieces in the next photograph (middle of the 5) are supposed to take the 1mm (.040 inch) pin which acts as the pivot for the plywood drop keel. In my kit all 3 pieces were warped and no amount of soaking in hot water and applying corrective pressure seemed to cure this. This for me is a weak area of the kit and not really satisfactory. I suspect kits built with the Amati drop keel solution will quickly loose this feature. post-17220-0-04402700-1434492900_thumb.j


    The next image shows the more substantial section which takes the keel pivot (prior to installation). I have access to a milling machine with a slotting saw so making slots of this type is for me relatively easy. For those without this facility fabricating the piece out of 3 laminations is a good alternative.post-17220-0-49711100-1434493573_thumb.j


    The drop keel and pivot assembly to my mind had to be substantially improved and I will cover this in the next post.








  11. Having spent a number of years scratch building HMS Cornwall (Type 22 Frigate) at 1:96 scale I felt I wanted to tackle something a bit quicker and easier. I also wanted a model that provided the opportunity for enhancing the kit to create something a bit different from the norm. After a week or two trawling through the range of kits on offer I decided to build Amati's Endeavour at 1.35 scale. Although the kit features Endeavour in her 1934 guise I decided to model her as restored in 1989. To do this I have relied heavily on the web based photographic resources. The kit was a Christmas present from my kids and when finished my Daughter has claimed the model for her bay window.


    The building of Endeavour has been covered in detail in a number of build logs and I don't intend going over the ground they have covered so well. What I intend doing is covering some of the things I have done differently and what I learned in the process.


    I will start where I am now - in the middle of the build and then go back to the start, working through a series of updates over the next couple of months.


    Hopefully with summer out of the way I will get back to building in September and complete in time to add another kit to my wish list for next Christmas.


    Here are a few photographs to start the process.





  12. like a number of you I have been considering options for installing featherboards on my saw. In particular I wanted something to provide horizontal pressure to hold the timber against the fence. I also wanted something which had a degree of self adjustment (to avoid resetting every cut). The attached photos show my solution. The arm is spring loaded (elastic bands) and this allows me to rip over a range of 1/2 inch without resetting. To reset I move the arm to the next hole, this takes about 30 seconds. The mechanical advantage on the arm means that the force holding the timber agains the fence is about 50% greater than the force applied by the elastic band. While the elastic band may appear to be a bit crude it actually works very well and of course has the advantage that the force can be varied by simply adding or removing elastic bands.





  13. Hi Guys - I need some help!


    I have been attempting to buy a Byrnes table saw using the Byrnes web site and have also tried to contact  Model Machines using their web site email page. When I try to use the web site check out I get "Safari can't verify the identity of the website "host2interwebinc.com" and if I try to proceed further I get a 404 error web site not found. Also I have sent 2 emails via the web page but have had no reply. 


    I know Jim uses the NRG site and that lots of you have had contacts with Jim in the past. Can anyone suggest an alternative method of contacting Jim or Model Machines.









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