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Everything posted by amateur

  1. The designer of this kit (Chris Watton) has shown us the development of this kit. He has tried to design the kit in such a way that it does give a stunning model if build out of the box, but has also plenty of opportunities to go even further. The results is therefore a model that is very detailed at all (deck)levels. So, the choice to go for planking an dnot for lasered parts is a deliberate one. (as far as I understood the presentation of the kit) Jan
  2. btw, will you follow the newest insights on her colour at Trafalgar, or will yours be Vic as all people born before the year 2000 will remeber her? Jan
  3. I hope there willbe an official fotoshoot of the finished product in the gallery? Would love to see some overviews and deckdetaios. Jan
  4. Hi danny, Looks like a lot of work. Are you ging to replace those famous plastic blocks with better looking ones, or did you decide they fit in with the general appearance of the model? Jan
  5. No, it is a temporary replacement of a wheel. (To be nailed over the gun ale, in case the wheel iis damaged through enemy fire) Your. 1:100 version has no way to nail it as shown in the book the only thing I wonder: assume a wheel is shot away during battle, how on earth do you nail such a thing under a gun truck, while a heated 3tons heavy gun is on that truck, and enemy fire is all around? And the bok is very nice (its a pity that google does not scan the fold-out pages properly...) reading those books you can not but conclude that re-using pictures of other people was very common in earlier days. Quite a lit of pictures from this book are very familiar fromother books.... Jan
  6. Give me some time, reading three such volumes, without knowing what to lookfor, may cost some time Jan
  7. Rather cryptic I see two sailors, one sitting on a chest (with those two halve wheels behind his back), looking in his open chest, holding something on which a hook is attached. Or is the hookthingy held by the standing sailor? Also: I don't recognise the traylike thing the sitting sailor has on his lap. And: I don' know neither Wimmel nor Röding.... Jan
  8. Hello Dan, Congatulations on another very well executed build!! one question (perhaps you already explained somewhere): how did you actually form those hanging rope coils (esp the loop it hangs on)? Jan
  9. OK, two half wheels that arde not really to become wheels (how inattentive of me: they never could be: they have a square hole in the middle ) second guess: something to prevent a running heavy cable to do any harm? Jan
  10. Can you give the link to this chapman personal collection (I have the ANM-link, but the other would be very nice also...) Jan
  11. My guess would be that the planking will hold it all together, besides: there is no paper between the keel and the frames. Jan
  12. Afterwards, you can plank this half-hull, and it will certainly be a very decorative piece on the wall of your workshop Jan
  13. You can even ask yourself the qeustion whether or not there would have been any strict planking scheme.... Jan
  14. This is the parrel set-up of a ship build by a guy on a dutch forum. He knows quite a lot on these mediterranean ships, si I'm inclined to say that this is correct: a simple parrel, with the running part through a dpliced eye on the other end. no blocks at all. Jan
  15. I suggest that you rename uour post: something like Question on rigging a chebec That will attract more attention than a rather vague "need help" I van't answer your question: i have no knowledge of these ships. Btw: the model looks quite well build. Jan
  16. In your profile is a notification-option: notify mewhen someone replies on a topic i follow. (Either by notification, or by email). As you follow this topic, that option would be my first suspect for the mails. Jan
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