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Everything posted by G.L.

  1. Very nice colors on deck planking, cockpit and cabin, Jim.
  2. Thank you Vaddoc. On my turn I wish you a lot of fun with the rigging of the Deben 5-tonner.
  3. Beautiful model. Brings back a lot of memories to the time I served on the MSO's of the Belgian fleet.
  4. I don't think they switched on their nav lights when they surfaced in the operations area.
  5. Happy birthday Kevin. She looks great!
  6. Mark, That is a very interesting project. I look forward to follow the progress of it.
  7. Hello Nis, Thanks for the complement. No, she won't be sailable. She would sink like a stone with all those apertures in her hull. The model is completed as it is. It is intended as an anatomical model.
  8. No problem, Vladimir, go ahead! By the way, I follow your Cutty Sark project with much interest. Impressive work that you do there.
  9. Yes there is still a lot to do, but there is a proverb in Dutch: 'Rome en Parijs zijn ook niet op een dag gebouwd' (Rome and Paris are also not built in one day). Lucky for us that here is still a lot to do, that means that this log is far from finished. Beautiful work up until now!
  10. Thank you Tom and Yves. I don't have real students. I am retired from the Navy since five years. But during the last eight years of my career I worked for the education policy of the Navy. This project was a nostalgic one, a looking back to the era when ship models were still used in maritime education. You were my students and I couldn't whish me a more enthusiastic and attentively class.
  11. Thank you very much Noel, Bruce, Patrick, Michael Chris and Mark. I enjoyed very much this built. I am glad that you liked the thread, It was a pleasure to receive so much positive comments of you all.
  12. Kevin, You are such a good teacher. Thank you to show us also the mistakes, that is very brave of you and for us very educative.
  13. Excellent instruction movie. Thank you for sharing your technique so clearly.
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