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Everything posted by paulsutcliffe

  1. got fed up with hanging and lodging knees so i thought i would have a go at making the capstans, i dont have a lathe or mill so it is all done by hand, chisels and a 10a scalpel i am following the profile drawing in the atos diana, which shows the whelps mortised into the heads so i started there, first with the slots for the capstan arms, glued the two pieces together then mortised the back for the whelps I then made the whelps themselves which have a Tenon on the ends and a little jig to get the mortises for the chocks all level finished trundlehead as first effort all by hand I'm not dissatisfied, however I will have to make a better job on the real one as the camera shows some scratches and roughness, I did bolt the whelps through from above and below as I think they may have been done originally the iron ring on top and iron circular plate underneath are made from ebony, its standing on a temporary partner where I also practised cutting a ring for the pawls by hand and chisel I think I might have to invest in a little mill for these jobs to get them perfectly smooth and round
  2. Ed, that open framed boat sitting on the beams looks fantastic, great work
  3. Hi Ed, I hope this helps as druxey said the planks come in flush at the stem and stern using a small rabbet on the top of each plank to accept the plank above
  4. Excellent work Gerhard, I'm liking your soldering skills
  5. thanks paul, excellent, i did reread but obviousy missed it thanks
  6. beautiful alexandru, been looking forward to an update from you
  7. lovely work paul, the carronades/mortars look superb, did you turn them yourself or purchase?
  8. some more arcaeological photos courtesy of yann von Arnim - Octant
  9. Hi mark Nice machining and research on the rudder, would it not have been made out of three or four pieces though like the English style, the rudder on syrius appears to have actually had five pieces with the fore and aft bits softer wood in case of damage and easy replacement Paul
  10. small update for the week s evening work the carlings under the fire place and between the bitts are cut up under the beams and mortised around the fore bitts the standards for the bitts are also mortised for the beams below, I believe the gap between the two had filling pieces to stop any movement the fore bitt standards are also mortised into the beams and around the mast partner, both also have a mortise in the front end to receive the smaller bitts that pass through to the forecastle deck as does the y bitts and a final view with it all dry fitted nothing glued or bolted yet
  11. sorry druxey yes of course you did, i should know that as i replied to it, in my defence i have an excuse, ive had a stroke that's how I found the time to restart the syrius!! what i meant to say was had you seen the drawing of the lord mayors ceremonial barge, a lot more decoration than the hospital barge but pretty interesting
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