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Everything posted by Chuck

  1. What seems to be the issue. These plans were done so long ago that there isnt much I can do for you. I dont have those plans and wasnt really involved with its set up. If I remember correctly you must go to kinkos or another facilty because its a larger file. Chuck
  2. That would work but you might be able to just shim the bottoms. I would just print out the bulkheads and test them to see if it is the bulkheads or the bulkhead former. If it’s the false keel it would be more ch easier.
  3. Make sure the bottoms of all those bulkheads touch the rabbet strip like this. They should end flush or nearly so to the bottom of the bulkhead former. You will need to adjust your slots so that is the case. The only ones that dont are at the stern from say bulkhead 19 or so. Those will follow the bearding line. Chuck Chuck
  4. something is off on all of those bulokheads. The bulkheads should sit lower and right on the rabbet line. Yours look like they are about 1/8" too high. That will be a problem. Its probably throwing off your fairing too. have a look here. Chuck
  5. Thank You!!!! No short cuts here but it will be a lot easier than a pof build. I would resist the urge to mix and match too many woods. It will look pretty awful. Basically we are gonna use two colors. Black and red. If you think ahead and visualize the finished model. Too many wood choices along with a painted freeze will look like a Christmas tree....Way to much. keep it simple and folks will actually finish.
  6. Chapter one is much longer...at 27 pages...you only read the first half. Download it again. It looks very good.
  7. Yes you should def. start over. I could send you a new sheet of stem parts if you pay five bucks for shipping. Send me a pm with your address.
  8. They should be just as nice Bob... In addition, if I might say to the group........ You guys probably guessed that I am a big fan of "participation". I cant tell you how much I enjoy seeing the active build logs in this group. I tried giving a discount up front on the longboat kits as a way to possibly encourage participation with build logs. But that ended up biting me in the biscuit so-to-speak. Many guys started a log to just get a discount and soon after a kit was shipped simply abandoned the log. It wasnt in the spirit of the group which I was trying to grow. I learned my lesson. SO.....with the Winnie Group I am trying something different. The carvings are going to be one of the more expensive installments of this project. Probably that and the cannons and carriages. So when the time comes to list all of the resin casting sets for sale in my shop, they will probably retail for about $150 give or take. BUT, I will be offering a steep coupon code discount for folks who have an active build log within the group. probably 35 to 40% off that retail price. This will just be for the resin castings. But it is a way for me once again to say thank you for your ACTIVE participation which I believe should be rewarded if I can possibly do so. All active members with logs who have shown activity on the project, if they contact me I will give them the code for the discount on that resin casting set. Dont send me a PM yet though......wait until they are in stock and I announce their availability. Participation has its rewards. So if you are someone who has never started a log on MSW before....maybe this will help nudge you into starting and actively updating your progress. More discounts may follow on future installments and min kits as well. But again, these will only be given to folks with active logs who have shown progress........
  9. Keith Soon....But you have so many builds going on and wont start a build log anyway. Maybe you can wait a bit so the guys who are starting a log now and wanting to start the Winnie immediately can have first pick at it. Most of the sets sold so far are going to folks not starting a log or even starting the build for months to come. I am a bit salty about that. We have at least 30 guys waiting to get started immediately. They should have first crack it. O may have to restrict sales to those folks who have started a log or want to get started immediately. I would please ask that if you are not going to start the projects for several months let the other guys buy the sets now. Its the righteous thing to do. Otherwise they will just sit in your shop for about a year.....gathering dust. Chuck
  10. Yes indeed. Whenever anything is ready, rather they are installments or decorations, we will make an announcement about how to order them.
  11. It will be another month for the complete resin casting sets. I just got the figureheads in and now I am waiting on the other pieces. As far as teh milled stuff from Jack.....whenever he gets them done. You will order direct from him.
  12. They all sold out in about 45 minutes. Sorry. And most went to folks who have NOT started a build log which I am kind of salty about. I should have four more sets tomorrow or Friday. But Bluejacket ran out of ply and is ordering more. So the next batch might be a couple of weeks. The first 10 sets are all in the mail. Once again....probably quicker to cut your own at this rate. Chuck
  13. Yes they are not going anywhere. In fact ...you probably stand a better chance of getting any installment or the carvings later after the frenzy dies down a bit. Currently, everything goes out of stock immediately. But in terms of the carvings, just let us know what you prefer. We need to know so Jack can mill them. For example, if nobody is going to order the JuJubewood, then jack knows not to make 10 sets. Its a waste of time and money.
  14. If you read above....we are just taking a census to see what folks want and how many Jack should mill. We will let you know when they are ready to be ordered. Chuck
  15. No....whatever the exchange rate is.....you pay through the NRG site. Then I give you access to download the plans. Its very easy....then print them out and get started.
  16. Plywood bulkhead sets are all sold out!!!! I should have more more by Friday. Thank you guys. I will let you know when I get them in stock. Chuck
  17. Believe it or not.....there are still about 20 of you guys who signed up for this group but have not accepted the invitation to actually gain access to the plans. You guys need to accept the invite to get access. If you joined and never accepted and cant figure out how.....send me a private message. But ...please read the first post in this topic first. Its all explained there. And yes....ply bulkhead sets are now in stock as well. Chuck
  18. There are so many bulkheads it isnt really needed. In addition, once you have the ports framed, its very very sturdy. A few more bulkheads and the hull will look as if it was POF. Those are only needed on those cheap kits where the bulkheads are 4" apart or more. These are less than an inch apart on the Winnie.
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