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Everything posted by Chuck

  1. This area is intended for your build logs of any scratch-built models you are working. Whether they are wood, plastic, card, or RC kits. This is the place where you can document your step-by-step progress. Post images of your work and share your techniques and ideas with your fellow Model Ship World members. How to set up your log? Create a new topic for each individual model you are working on. As you make more progress on it, reply within that topic to post updates on it. Please keep all such posts on topic with regard to the log you are working on and all replies within your one log. Do not create another topic each time you want to make an update. If you are only posting images of your completed model...please do so in the gallery. This forum is for works in progress so we can follow along with your step-by-step explanations. How to Name your build log? We have a "Build Log Naming Convention" to enable the Search Engine to sort them Alphabetically by "Ship's Name" and/or "Builder's Name". We urge you to follow the guidelines below to make this work properly. If you don't, a Moderator will do it for you anyway - so you may as well get it right first time and save us the trouble. This is how your Build Log Title must be set up for Static Wooden Ships : HMS Victory by Fred Bloggs - Scale 1: 75 - 1805 as she appeared after Trafalger - First wooden ship build The first section in RED is MANDATORY and must be done EXACTLY as shown to enable correct Sorting by the Search facility. Note there are SPACES either side of the dash following your Username. Check other Build Logs for an existing one to see whether the "HMS" (or other prefix) is used before the Ship's Name. DO NOT Re-Title the RED section if it has been done by a Moderator. The second section in GREEN is OPTIONAL - you may add any further information you like. There is a much larger Character Limit than previously - 150 characters compared to the old one of about 40. (Note that the colors above are only for this demonstration - you can't Format a Title like you can with other Text) For Plastic, Card, Ships in Bottles and Radio Controlled the following (in PURPLE) will need to be added : USS New Jersey by giblets - PLASTIC - Superdetailed with PE HMAS Sydney by ship ahoy - CARD - 1: 100 HMS Victory by Simmo - BOTTLE - 1/700 scale Vosper PT Boat by whereami - RADIO - A nice model to build Instructions on how to use the Search to find a Build Log list of the Ship you are looking for are in a pinned Topic in "Questions/instructions on how to use and post to this forum/Site Problems or suggestions".
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