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michael mott

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Everything posted by michael mott

  1. Thank you Brian. Steve: the getting her back on is the least of my concerns at the moment, it just occurred to me this morning that the whole configuration is daft because I have not accounted for the rigging which includes a bowsprit and bobstay, even if the bowsprit were housed. Your suggestion makes a lot of sense. Oh well back to the drawing board. Thank you to all of you who added likes Michael
  2. Thank you for the likes. Pete, I am melting a few weights every day now, and so far I am up to 25lbs. Steve you are probably right, Apart from the Skipjack launch I am already thinking about the next cutter. I felt like getting the trolly finished so worked on it today, it looks a little whimsical but I like the ergonomics of it. it is a good height for moving to the water. Now it just needs a coat of paint. and it will be ready for the cutter's next ballast test. Michael
  3. That green lathe looks like a Myford knock off. Michael
  4. Thanks for all the likes. I stopped by the tire store and showed the owner the pictures of the boat in the water and told him that I needed some more weight and could he sell me some more. We went out to the balancing machine and he asked the chap if they had any used weights, yes they had a bucket. I backed up the van and the young lad put it into the van. I asked the owner how much did I owe him $30 dollars he said. When I got home I went to lift it out and was stopped dead in my tracks...the bucket weighs in at 90 plus pounds. first thing was to rig up a mould. after a quick sweep under the wire wheel the ingot cleans up nicely this one is 2 lbs This will be a lot easier to place in the hull. Michael
  5. Omega, Daniel, John, Yambo, Nils, Grant, Steve, Andy, David, Bob, Edwin, Pete, Lextin, Mark Pearse, Mark Taylor, Druxey, and Denis. Thank you all for your very encouraging remarks. Andy said Druxey said This is why I have this. I had anticipated that even 60lbs would need a trolly but I know that with the extra weight I will need to support the model properly as it enters and exits the water. I am going to melt down the tire weights into some triangular section bar stock (Angle Iron mould) that will be more easily placed and removed from the hold., I need to go get some water today so will drop by the tire shop and see if I can get another bucket of used weights. Lextin I do not want to have the issues that doing that would entail Mark yes I agree, Scale finishes are something that we need to pay more attention too I think. Michael
  6. A beautiful model Pete, I would be very pleased to have one of my models turn out so well. Michael
  7. She is looking very good Mark, so now you ar ready to tackle the challenging frames. Michael
  8. John, Druxey, Lextin, Grant, Omega, Mark, Sherry. Thank you all for your encouragement with all you positive comments. thanks to all those who added likes. Well I needed to get this next part out of my system, so Jude and I went down to the lake with a bucket of used wheel balance weights and the cutter. to get an idea of what I am dealing with, so this was a test not an official launch. it took a while to add them all 60lbs a few at a time, the folk on the beach must have thought we were nuts. We ran out of weights so I will need to get another bucket or two. Took a few pics of it floating. and this is my favorite shot of the day. A number of lessons learned 1. It will be very heavy because I need a lot more weight to get it another 2 1/2 inches lower in the water 2. the weights will need to be set up so that they can be easily added and removed. 3. I will need a launching vehicle with small bicycle wheels to launch after the weights are added. 4 it was not pleasant lifting the boat out of the water with all the weight in it. 5. the weight was more forward than I expected it to be. 6. total weight was 66lbs with the stand Tomorrow I will empty the weights out of the hold. Michael
  9. Kester the white spaces that form the scuppers of course also form the deck line, i had not thought about that to be honest, but now that you mention it i will nave to ponder it as well. Hmm more research Michael
  10. Thank you one and all for your thoughts and input regarding the colour. I will add the white waterline when the red and Black are hard. Michael
  11. Thanks for all the likes and comments, getting close to decision time. I will ponder this as I do the final prep for the paint, I need to do a little tweaking on the bottom side of the cap rail. Michael
  12. And I thought I was doing well with my rigging on the pilot cutter. Dave your rigging just blows me out of the water. Superb work. Michael
  13. Afraid you will have to wait just a little longer John, and Pete too. Bottom coat done One thing I learned as a professional model-builder making architectural models is that it is best to remove all masking as soon as is possible while the paint is still soft but flashed off. Tonight I will mask the bottom and work on the areas above the waterline. Also this evening I will visit the paint store one last time for the top paint, because I am still not fully convinced that I have the right colour. Michael
  14. Beautiful yacht, I wouldn't call it HUGE, that might not be a term to use around your wife... perhaps you could use one of us as a scapegoat and mention the madmen on this site that are building hulls that are 5 or 6 feet long, that the canoe is tiny, that this would be a normal size, its only 30 odd inches long Perhaps you wife needs a new dress or some other accoutrements, as a bribe? Good luck Michael
  15. Thank you all for your considered comments regarding the colour and for all the likes. Preparations are underway for the final painting, I purchased some masking tape for delicate and fresh paint surfaces. I set the roll up on the lathe and created a 1/4 inch and 1/2 inch division in order to deal with the soft curve. The water line was set with the laser light beam then cross checked with a pencil attached to a scribing block. The tape went on well and tomorrow I will finish the light sanding and if there is no wind I will start the painting. Michael
  16. Pete the photographs of her in the water are wonderful, you must be very happy with the final trials. A wonderful model all round and it was a pleasure watching it come together. Michael
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