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michael mott

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Everything posted by michael mott

  1. Nice proportions Steve, I like the way the gaff lines up with the forestay, It really shows the benefit of the gaff rigs versatility. Michael
  2. Thank you All for your kind comments, and also to those who are following along quietly. I spent the morning sorting out the forward and aft bulkheads for the dining area had to scratch my head a few times. This afternoon was spent prepping the materials for them. I have decided that the forward bulkhead will be made to include the sides of the seating areas, and will have a location tab at the edges to locate the forward ends of the side panels, the aft bulk head will form as parts of the cooking area and as there is no door they are smaller and will also have a location tab for the aft end of the side panels. A couple of shot showing today's progress Michael
  3. Spent a few hours this morning mucking about with turning tool form, working at making minute screws from hard brass which turns better than the small brass plated pins that have heads that are forged and require some very careful cleaning up in order to create the fake screws. I eventually came up with the formula for the smallest screws they have a .5mm body with a 1mm head. This afternoon assembled the top half of the port side paneling after finishing the forward cabinet door hinges, I glued on the rear vertical supports and boxed out the interiors of the two cabinets. I am still deciding haw to deal with the middle panel. yesterday I picked up some very nice tan material for the cushions. The insides of the cabinets are recycled extremely fine grained old growth clear fir that came from the redwood garage door The frames around the redwood panes was old growth clear fir. I put a coat of Tung oil on the maple it has a nice glow. Michael
  4. Looking very nice John. Delicate work fixing all these "sticks" together Michael
  5. Beautiful workmanship Javier. It is also great to catch a glimpse of the collection behind in their individual cases. Michael
  6. I picked up my new slotting saw and arbor yesterday I like the way it cuts. I also prefer using the lathe for making the slots rather than the mill The worm on the quill is a bit worn and the very fine depth adjustment is still able to be done but is much more fiddly that on the lathe when making multiple increments for slots on the lathe I just need to index the carriage along the bed. All the same issues really but easier to deal with on my lathe. Ah the joys of backlash on old machines (50 years) Nice clean cuts these are .057" which is the thickest width on the 2 inch diameter saw with 110 teeth Michael
  7. Well Gary not according to some learned members of this site. From a logical perspective though having the moisture, dust , able to fall out via gravity makes much sense to me. There are some "known knowns; there are things we know we know" about brass. "We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know" about brass. Sorry Carl I couldn't resist. Michael
  8. Nice clean work, the hull has very graceful lines especially the sheer. michael
  9. Hello Kris perhaps a library book on fretwork what type of scroll saw are you using? Pictures please. michael
  10. Hi Keith what sizes and what brand are you using, the ones I looked at on the net that are 1" or 1 1/2 inch diam were $100 -200 which is beyond my budget. Michael
  11. Thanks for the link Eberhard, I will likely make a holder similar to the one shown for some future works, there is some other very interesting parts to that link as well. I made a really quick crude fly cutter from a spare Allen key, ground the width to .064" and set the brass up in a toolholder with the Castelo backing 'all pretty jury rigged. The speed of the lathe is not quite as high as the mill and it being only a single cutter the slots are not quite as crisp as the slotting saws, I ordered one today will be here tomorrow. After a bit of fettling it actually cleaned up quite well and assembled OK. so proof of concept works. I do have a small boring bar that will take small 1/8 square HSS tool steel but it is set up with a BSW (55degree angle not 60) cutter for boring a new back-plate for my C5 collet chuck for my Myford the first back-plate was beautifully threaded 1.25 x 8TPI (even if I say so myself) however it should have been 1.25 x 12TPI...... don't ask! so that is why I used the Allen key fly-cutter.
  12. Oh Thank you Eberhard, I had forgotten that option, which I will try first. Michael
  13. As a person who uses a jewelers saw a lot Eberhard is correct in that the support needs to be flat. When cutting very thin sheet that needs to be curved it also helps to glue it to some thicker substrate like 1 mm ply (model aircraft supplies) even styrene sheet works in a pinch. Michael
  14. Thanks for the information Vaddoc, I looked at your video. It is my personal preference to use precise tools where I can. Abrasive cut off discs and sanding discs are dispensable items as such that they wear away as they cut by abrasion much like a grinding wheel does only because they are thin they wear away much faster plus they eject those same particles as they revolve at high speed. A slotting saw is high speed steel and is ground to precise thicknesses with 90 degree square edges at the cutting face and for the most part remain at the same distance from the center of the axis of rotation through the extent of the operation and beyond. The only equivalent I can think of that I am sure you can relate to is the line drawn with a 4b pencil that starts with a sharp point at the beginning end of a 36 inch line and is a wider width at the end of the line than at the beginning of it, verses a rapideograph pen that remains the same for the entire length. I am biased of course, I have a Dremel that spends most of its time in the drawer, as it has been supplanted by different tools. the last time I used it was to cut rail in situ on the garden railway. Michael
  15. Hi Vaddoc, I use epoxy for some applications but I cannot see using it on the Yellow cedar for any reasons, The issues I had were caused by trying to shortcut the building process of cabinet work in miniature. The yellow cedar is indeed a beautiful wood for model work the one drawback is that it is soft and marks easily. That said I will be using it for other model cabinet work but will use it in the same way that I worked the hard maple. I finished the first set of hinges, which were laboriously slow to make. After reading Dan's comment about how he made his hinges, I am guessing that they are smaller than mine I thought about building a miniature saw but decided against that for now and did an experiment with my slitting saw on the mill The saw I used is only 1 3/4 in diameter and 1/32 inch thick so in order to get 1/4 inch tabs I had to make double cuts. I used some .010" annealed brass for the hinge body but used .028" brass wire instead of the soft Iron that Dan used. I think that .008" brass might be better. I folded a length of about 1 1/8th inch to form the long piece then set it up in the grinding vice with a piece of Castelo as a backing to support the brass while the cutter was fed into the brass. tomorrow I am going top purchase a slitting saw that is .064" and 2 1/4 inch in diameter this will allow for a longer piece to be slotted because I will have better clearance, and wont have to double cut it will make the indexing that much easier. After removing the strip from the vice I cut two pieces and to my surprise the fitted together without any fettling so this will be the method going forward. The ten thou is a bit too thick though so I will use the 8 thou brass shim. Michael
  16. Yes Dan thank you. I think I am going to have to sort out a miniature table saw. Michael
  17. Beautiful work Dan, I remember when you did that, your hinges look really great! in the picture with the hinges on the coin it appears that the metal that was inside the pin sections is still there, how did you cut the slots? it was some time ago and I cannot remember your sequence. Michael
  18. Hello Vaddoc, your comments about the wood quality are interesting. At my local hardwood supplier "Chanin Hardwoods" I went in looking for some straight clean grained Cherry, he had a couple of lifts of highly figured Cherry but no straight grained Cherry, his comment to me was "why would you want such a boring looking grain?" I occurred to me that model builders and the rest of the world who use wood have two different criteria and it has to do with the differences in scale, and aesthetics. Highly figured woods are desirable when juxtaposed well in furniture and mill-work. I am assuming that the supplies of clean fine grained wood is getting more scarce because of the reasons noted above. Ours is a marginal market compared to the industrial scale of the furniture companies who are the likely drivers of the hardwood cutters. It is only a guess on my part though, I am guessing that the suppliers of the wood for our models are at the mercy of the vagaries of the wood cutters. Last but not least the good wood is getting used up through various practices of increased production and damage and wood grows slowly. Michael
  19. While it is great to have some fun on this site, I really appreciate the scholarship that is so evident in many of the logs, what a great use of sharing knowledge for the benefit of the rest of us.. Michael
  20. Michael - I was always taught that the slots had to be aligned vertically!!!!!!!! There is always one nit picker in every crowd.....🧐 It was a great deal of work unscrewing the screws and adjusting the bight on the screws with micro slivers into the previously used holes then rewinding them in just enough so that they were tight at the right point Had to de-burr the underside of one of the flat head screws because the slotting machine had left a slight burr on the feed out side of the screw which I had missed that was holding the screw up slightly causing the slight out of alignment. however I managed to get it put right. So I hope all the purists are satisfied now. I shall be more careful on the door and the rest of the hinges.😀 Yes I know there is a little gap in the bottom corner, "Charlie" is planing up a little wedge of maple to fill it in.
  21. Hinge man hmmm Fixing the hinges required some tiny "fake screws the head is .049" and the body is .020" A bit fiddly to fix to the stile but practice will eventually make it feel easier. Michael
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