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Everything posted by donrobinson

  1. Hey Dilbert55, I can't really answer that, however, there was a link in my log earlier on to a fellow who scratch built this same ship and his model also had a stove on deck. I believe, and hopefully Zoran can help on this, that these ships were not on the "high seas" for years at a time so maybe the location is totally feasible.
  2. Nigel - Thanks for joining in and welcome to the Trabakul build. You are far too gracious, I surely appreciate it Jean-Pierre - Thank You for the nice compliment. I couldn't agree more with what you have said. As much as I love the looks of a "ship of war" building something a little different such as the Trabakul has it's benefits and beauties as well.
  3. Hey Ian, how are things going? Thanks for stopping and for the compliment. I will be certain to take lots of pictures of the rigging, which should be coming soon. Next is the rudder then ship's boat followed by the rigging. With any luck hopefully she will be on display by end of August. And what the heck are you doing North of LLoyd?
  4. Zoltan: Thanks for the compliment and for stopping in Mike: Thanks, just wish the real firewood was that easy to cut and split
  5. Looking at the AOTS it seems they should about 15" apart which would be approximately 8 mm at this scale. Nice work Steve, I like your little drawing it is amazing how we can tie hundreds of these knots then all of a sudden the mind goes blank and you forget
  6. Good idea using styrene , I have never used it yet will have to give it a go. What kind of lathe do you have, and why do you not know how to use it?
  7. Very impressive EJ, you are doing a sweet job. It's a satisfying feeling knowing the end is near, keep the updates coming
  8. Thanks EJ, coming up is the ship's boat that I have put off way too long now and I am running out of things to do so I'll have to bite the bullet and start on it.
  9. Hi John, you must have slipped in when I was typing. Thanks for coming by. They really are good kits and at this scale it is fun to add and change a few things. The boxes are not the normal flashy and colourful, but when you open the box and see the contents you soon forget about the box lid. Another good thing about the MarisStella colour scheme is that carrying one of these boxes into the house will not catch the Admiral's eye near as much!!
  10. Frank: Thanks so much for stopping in, really good to hear from you again. How is the Red Dragon coming along? Zoran: Hello, Thanks for the compliment, much appreciated Doug: Thanks, it was a hot day here yesterday. In the pictures clouds had just started rolling in and a short time later we had a pretty good rain storm. The rain was much needed as the mosquitoes were starting to suffer Mike: Hey, how are things with you? Thanks for dropping in
  11. Never seen this one before, looks very interesting. I'll sit by the other Canadian in the crowd
  12. Thanks to all for stopping in, for your comments and for all the likes. Got a little more done in the last two days mainly the ship's stove is now installed complete with a stockpile of firewood and an axe. The pump was also made and installed, this is a little kit included with the package, I think it looks pretty good. It came with 3 mm copper strapping for the bands, however, I replaced that with some card stock Hope you enjoy, have a good evening
  13. Great progress EJ, I'll see you over on La Couronne. I'm hoping that when these two are done you will build something that is easier to spell
  14. Hey Mike, if you go to their website(located on the home page in the ads) you can email from there. If that doesn't work let me know and I can pm you. Also, have you checked out Zoran's build log of the Trajta, it is real informative and detailed, link is in his signature
  15. Hi Mike, Thanks for stopping by. Work on the Trabaccolo has been slow as of late but I am now determined to get it finished soon, if all works out. I think I have been stalling a little as I am unsure whether to install the sails or not and the time is coming very close to make this decision. The Trajta is a nice looking boat and looks like she would be a fun build with great results. If it were me I would do the Trajta first to just get the feel for the MarisStella kits. They are wonderful kits and are certainly not the same as other kits which adds to the adventure of building one. If you decide to start the Trabaccolo I know the instructions have been re-done, it would be just a matter of contacting Zoran for them, if you have the old ones. As Zoran stated above many of the kits instructions have been re-written, a quick email and Zoran will be there to help with any questions you may have concerning any aspect of the kits or your build. Whatever decision you make I'll be watching and would be more than happy to help out and to cheer you on.
  16. Hey Dave, I am now using the Gutermann 100% cotton thread and am having good results. I would be more than happy to share my results with you give me a pm anytime Hello Zoran, Thanks for stopping in, this means a lot, it will be finished
  17. Nice work B.E. I like your method for the spiling I have done something similar but using a compass to trace outline, I'll defiantly try this method.
  18. First up. as for the drill press application Sherline has a "sensitive drill attachment" that quickly turns the machine into a extremely accurate "drill press" you maybe limited to the drill bit sizes( I believe it is 1/8" max.) but for scale modelling it is more than adequate. Secondly, I have done lots and lots of milling wood with my Sherline and have no complaints. Obviously the quality and sharpness of your bit makes a big difference and the harder the wood the better. Soft woods do not work as good at slow speeds but then if you are taking the time to mill pieces for your model I am assuming basswood or other similar woods are not being used. I have used woods such as rosewood and cherry and have beautiful results with no breaking out of the wood. To me where I am only using my mill and lathe for modelling and related items and with my limited space, the Sherline line of tools has served me well and I am very happy with them. As a another plus they are 100% made in America Here is my setup, nice and compact
  19. Hello all, here is a quick update on the Trabaccolo not much has happened but I'll show what little there is: Making chainplates, these were soldered afterwords. Then holes punched using a broken 1mm end mill bit Brackets were made for channels, plans did not ask for them but I thought they would be a nice addition these and the channels are made from rosewood Making of the oars Brackets for the back stays A couple of shots showing channels with dead eyes installed and also the back stay brackets. Brackets and chain plates still need to be touched up with some paint, I 'm waiting until all metal work is done to do it all at once. Just a couple of fun shots Made these yesterday not fancy or pretty but they will soon be filled with rope made on my new Domanoff ropewalk The one on the right in the front row is the one I copied from
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