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Everything posted by donrobinson

  1. Hi there Loupy(?), I'm not sure where the kit was made but it was bought two years ago. I did have problems with one of the billets holding the bulkheads, the glue had de-bonded leaving the bulkheads in two pieces. I had that replaced and as for the rest I had replaced most of the wood with my own so I did not have too many issues.
  2. Having just recently getting a Cutty Sark, in full sail, tattoo on my leg I would highly recommend having those sails furled.
  3. I will admit there is some terrible wood in that kit and it is sad to see that type of quality. The sails, however, are correct. The plans are showing the sails before being sewn and bolt ropes being added, AL has supplied the sails pre-sewn and ready to be installed.
  4. I like your idea of offering a "spiling package" as an option. Hopefully Zoran sees this and gives it some thought. Looking at their website I see they offer some walnut boards but I could not see any 1.5 mm walnut boards. Knowing Zoran, and his great service, I'm sure if one was to contact him he would be more than happy to help out and put a package together. I have ordered the DRO for my mill and lathe
  5. I'm not sure what sort of access you have to the hold, but I do know you are busy making hammocks. You could try making some sand bags that could be put(glued) inside to act as a ballast. And I really want to see some pictures of it at work!!!!!!
  6. So happy to see an update. The yellow cedar is a beautiful addition. I had a little bit of a laugh with your comment about bending the wale planks, not easy but you found a way of accomplishing it. Good stuff. She is looking good and you are doing a super job. I'll be looking forward to your next update.
  7. B.E.(Blue ensign) had a similar problem and he "stiffened" his crowsfeet with wallpaper paste with this being done less tension was required, resulting in no distortion of the stays. Might be something to look into.
  8. Looking mighty fine E.J. I'm looking forward to seeing your rigging progress, you have some complicated things ahead of you that I am interested in seeing.
  9. Thanks Mike, when she is done the deck won't be so empty, there are so many things that are not on other ships I have seen. Is that tug floating yet? Ian: Thanks I am busy now serving shrouds with my new Domanoff serving machine, what a purchase! It is a fantastic machine, runs so smooth and with the attachments you can even do seizing with it. Way too much fun, I'm actually just stalling from building the ship's boat.
  10. Dave, Len, Elijah and Bob Thanks guys I really appreciate you guys stopping in and leaving your great comments. Mike: "laundry and dishes" sounds much better,at that time of day, than vodka and orange!!
  11. And finally the last of my updates, this first one is showing block and bracket installed for bowsprit This one is showing a piece I missed on the plans, rather important as it supports the rudder All the masts (full length is not in picture), bowsprit and spars are made.Some of the rigging is complete, the lower spars have a bit of a complicated rigging with a traveller and also a mouse of sorts A close up of the aft lower spar showing the rigging Masts are just temporally put together for picture That's about it for this update, all plans for being outside are on hold as we are getting snow today so I'm hoping to have a productive day in shipyard, after laundry and dishes are done You all Have a good day and Thanks so much for stopping in
  12. Thanks to all for stopping by, for your likes and gracious comments. Almost a month since last update and I have accomplished some. First up is making some oar locks: From left to right: kit supplied one, outline on rosewood board, initial cutting on mill, after sanding on disc sander and final product Pins installed in bottoms and a coat of WOP (two extra to cover breakage) The Trabaccolo has two fittings unique to herself and the Brazzera. These are both belaying points, one style for the halyards and the other for the stays The finished product For the stays And for the halyards, one at the mizzen and one at fore mast
  13. I believe you may want to re-think your positioning of piece 17. I looks to me it needs to be that high to support your strakes during the planking process. The pieces on each side of the keel are to be cut off after planking is complete, this is how it looks in the plans. The part that is going to be forming the deck, which looks as though it has a rise to it, also will need some trimming to make it flush. Doing it your way will result in excessive fairing at the bow being required and the need for extensions on either side of the keel also some shimming at deck level to make it flush. I am not sure where 10A goes but it may have been that size to help with the rise of the deck. As I mentioned before it appears by looking at the bow the deck there is going to be quite a bit higher than the rest of the deck. Just my observations, I could be wrong.
  14. You could try going to a place that sells trophies, not sure how small they can go but might be worth a try. And Mike you are spoilt ..................I love it!!!
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