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John Cheevers

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Everything posted by John Cheevers

  1. Absolutely fantastic workmanship! You could study it for hours.
  2. The key to this, as it is in any manufacturing process, is to do the hard part first. Then you can bring the res t of the object into shape but correctly indexed to the critical piece. Nice process.
  3. Two 2-drawer metal file cabinets and a 30" wide lauan door.
  4. The Thing-a-Ma-Jig: The tool that you are pointing to that no one else can see.
  5. I like it. Probably overdone, but it's all about the gittin' there...🙂
  6. Dave, You're making great progress, and you're learning a lot about working from other folk's plans. I don't think you should be an absolute slave to the plan before you. Use it as a guide or roadmap, but don't fret the occasional road block or detour--the real builders didn't. I brought my model to a meeting to show off the jig and discuss how I glued up the pieces. The only thing missing that I wanted to add were slots for the transverse bulkheads--maybe on the next one. I was going to present the boat to show progress at our last meeting, but then I changed my mind. I'll PM you a recent shot as I kinda want to keep the model underwraps for now. John
  7. Dave, Sorry, I had no idea that the photo with the jig was so blurry. Here is a better photo. All I did to keep from gluing the hull panels to the jig was to bevel the edges of the jig, as you can see in this clearer image.
  8. Great work so far, looking forward to seeing the complete model!.
  9. Dave, I took a quick look at the monograph and it seems to me that the hull can be built on jig 1. The builder in the monograph does not seem to use jig 1 to help control the frame angle of the side planks. But it can be done using jig 1. Here is a look at the jig I used for my very "similar to a sharpie hull". Your thinking is correct. You can call me to discuss technique if you want. John
  10. Jim, This is a really nice build, and an excellent photographic record. Can't wait until you reach the rigging... John
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