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John Cheevers

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Everything posted by John Cheevers

  1. Not counting all the cheapo's, surgical cast-offs, and those intended to groom fingers, I have several intended for use in entomology. Can't remember where I got them, but they are my best.
  2. I like it. A great way to show off your woodworking and joinery skills. The case should compliment the model.
  3. Here is a photograph I took of Fair America in Preble hall back in 2015. As you can see hte camera and the photographer have a lot to be desired. Hopefully you can trace the rigging paths.
  4. If you want to get started in working with wood and building a wooden ship model, I recommend you build something like a Chesapeake Bay small craft. If the model of the Chesapeake Bay flattie is still available, I would start there. Another choice would be a San Francisco scow schooner. You don't want to overwhelm yourself in learning to work with wood while you're learning all those shippy things like fairing.
  5. Great build! Love your hull process. What a great way to ensure fairness throughout.
  6. Excellent build! Your new bench top is super, any chance you'll swing the camera and show the rest of your shop? Thanks for letting me follow along.
  7. The build is superb! I like the clean shop; but if you're like me, you won't be able to find anything for a while.
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