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Everything posted by Ferit

  1. @ Buck Hi Buck, Thank you for asking about me, Thank God I am fine. It's pleasure to be remembered my friend... I have changed my residence and begun to live in a rented flat. For now, Berlin is staying in my oldie house. @ wq3296 Thank you wq3296 for your kind words. The ship vocabulary is another and wide world. I have a little knowledge about it. But day by day I am learning. Now it's another word: whipstaff... Thank you again. For Corel, I love the quality of the wood but have some doubts about scales. I would be happy if you could show your Berlin at MSW. She will be a source of inspiration. @ Keith Wish I'll be here... Thank you Keith for asking how I am. Thank God I am fine. I had thought that it had to be a momentary lapse of building but unfortunately it dragged on... @ Augie, Sjors, Popeye, (and updated) Mark, Jason, Michael, Doreltomin Thank you for your kind contribution and agreement with Buck and Kieth...
  2. Hi Adam, Me too, I also agree the agreement of Sjors with Popeye ... Colors really look very smooth, in soft harmony...
  3. Falconets fit the bill... Good decision Michael...
  4. Thank you Max, for your kind words... I just visited your Log, your Half Moon really looks very nice...
  5. You are welcome Frank, I have replied you in your Log...
  6. I reply you through your request in Michael's (md1440cs) Log... You are welcome Frank... Your Wasa is really great, nice, sharp and smooth... I glued the ropes to the deck with this cement. It is transparent, gets dry about 10-15 minutes, lets me manipulate, does not change the color of the robe, does not concrete the robe as CA, let the robe be flexible and in case of necessity can be removed very easily after getting dry, doesn't spread any allergic vapor like CA... Ideal for rigging... There is more than enough... http://www.modelexpo-online.com/product.asp?ITEMNO=GLU105
  7. Hi Michael, It's cheerful to hear that the glue works ... I keenly prefer mounted guns on their places... Following your choice of adding more details is spectacular...
  8. Michael, nice work... What do you think about nailing the dark brown area above?
  9. Hi Sjors, Somehow I couldn't begin to work on my Berlin, the ship has been lost to sight from the horison... I like the phonetics of the Latin language. Alpha Ursae Minoris (commonly North Star, Northern Star or Pole Star) is the brightest star in the constellation Ursa Minor. It is very close to the north celestial pole, making it the current northern pole star. When navigating in the northern hemisphere, it's the touchstone for the navigation... Maybe I'll find my way... I know it's somewhat childish but I love this...
  10. Hi Michael, It should be very interesting and pleasant to see a ship which is my hope for my next built. As Nigel said, the gun carriages are unbelievable for Corel's flagship. Could the annoying parts like them be replaced with corrected/adjusted ones in the kits recently produced with new technology? Has someone any idea?!
  11. Hi Sjors, A nice uptade from your period of mastery...
  12. Hi Sjors, She should be the achievement of your period of mastery... Those days of being apprentice (many many years ago) and then of being headworker (many years ago) have been far, too far away...
  13. Looks very good Michael, quite accurate...
  14. Hi Doris, What you are making is from another world...
  15. Hi Mike, As I wrote at your log, sorry it will be another copy with some extras ; Friedrich Wilhelm zu Pferde is one of the Brandenburg Navy like Berlin and Wappen von Hamburg (my hope). You are right about the ressemblance but the lines and the contour of Friedrich Wilhelm zu Pferde are more complicated and much more beautiful than Berlin's. Euromodel as I see through the web is a premium quality kit but If I remember correctly she has no sails . Both your choice of the kit and of the model are apropos and appealing and perfect for me... I had observed her overmuch, long ago... It should be a pleasure to follow your log...
  16. Thank you Mike, your thoughts are so kind about my work... I am decisive to build her full-sailed. A period ship without sails open or furled seems to me like somewhat incomplete...(It's my opinion.) Friedrich Wilhelm zu Pferde is one of the Brandenburg Navy like Berlin and Wappen von Hamburg (my hope). You are right about the ressemblance but the lines and the contour of Friedrich Wilhelm zu Pferde are more complicated and much more beautiful than Berlin's. Euromodel as I see through the web is a premium quality kit but If I remember correctly she has no sails . Both your choice of the kit and of the model are apropos and appealing for me... Congratulations... It should be a pleasure to follow your log...
  17. Hi Mike, Like This buttons on what I have clicked are in fact Really Like This Very Much buttons...
  18. Thank you Pavel, Merry Christmas and happy new year to you and your family...
  19. Hi Wolf, It's always pleasant to receive your nice thoughts, thank you...
  20. Hi Wolf, Scratch is always five steps ahead... Good choice, good start...
  21. Hi Keith... Thank you themadchemist, thekindphilosopher... For all these thoughts and expressions... It's impossible to not be like-minded... And "those mid-build blues" has been my favorite... You don't build the DSotM from a kit only but you invent also scratch parts through your imagination... Your build is unique. So thinking is an important part of it... Thank you again for your concern, for cheering me up...
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