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Everything posted by Ferit

  1. Hi Randy, I just catched up after coming back home from a vacation... I undestand you about your doubts to start a new model... Like you, I lose my concentration on an old thing if I begin to be interested in a new one. All of us are improving on the way, considering skill, knowledge, knowing how, results, experiences etc... This improvement makes me fall in difficulty to feel satisfied whenever I return to my old interest from the new one... The mistakes that I had done are in front of my eyes and now I have the possibility of not repeating the same ones... Then why do I struggle with the inaccurate thing if I have a chance with an untouched new one?!... Then I lose my enthusiasm that I feel for the older... I will left it somewhere behind the corner... The all pain I had experienced will remain fruitless. There will be no result, no satisfaction... This is a treachery to the time, to the feelings, to the pain, to the memories... Too dramatic was there... But this is my thought... For this reason I stay far away from a new model before finishing my current build.
  2. Hi Ian, I just caught up... Sorry about your loss of the friend... ... ... The mini scratch stove was nice, is nicer now and sure, will be the nicest...
  3. Your building style is extraordinarily influences me... As I had said before, your Wasa has something different... Beauty in naturalness...
  4. Great... But, you have to tell to the crew who will climb to top about the gap... And every time I hear from you about a thing that you mention you are not good and after I see the result, I realize that you don't say the truth...
  5. Very nice Augie... It's a dilemma for me to lose enthusiasm for my build and to feel a deep desire to continue when I see a very nice build improving like yours...
  6. Hi Matti, Looks great your Wasa... For bending plastic parts, a hair dryer machine works good...
  7. We are thankful to you Sjors, You answer the words of your 5-6 followers in one post... If no, this Log will have reached 300th page... I have no chance as you have, it's impossible to miss your answers for your constant followers... Me, if I answer without the quote button, I am afraid of that it will be not read... BTW, Le Mirage is looking very nice... What are you thinking about the sails?!...
  8. Thank you Buck... You can ride your motocycle from bay to bay, from hill to hill... Far away from Augie's window...
  9. Many thanks Yambo, for your best wishes, your kindness and your hospitality... We have stayed at İçmeler, for two nights... First day, Sedir Island, the day after Turunç and as soon as we have left the car at Turunç, we have participated in a daily boat trip... It's my first visit to Turunç... I liked very much your village, it's gorgeous... Harika bir yer, sevimli ve güzel...
  10. Thank you Mark, Oh Sjors... He owns Gnomes... Smelling saw dust, twisting ropes are not hard for him ...
  11. Thank you Michael, I don't remember any scene in the sky with those clouds in my life... Alto fracto cumulus, what a beautiful name!... Poetic are the spectacle and even the name... Because of I could not jump from 1965 meters of altitude, it's frightening, even you leave yourself to a professional paraglider who sits behind you, it's not easy to accept. The control is not in your hands... But for you, this should be simple and elemantary through your profession... It should be fantastic... I have shared the two pictures taken from the air that I have found on the web... Simulating the fly, from this lucky man's eye who has landed in front of me...
  12. Whatever is the scene, Nature, if untouched is always fantastic... Even the sand desert (only contemplation beneath air conditioner ...) Lake, green, hills, two lovely and brainy dogs, fresh air, O2, activity... Far more than enough...
  13. I don't not use any program for sharing photos like flickr, instagram... I have MSW... My apologizes for occupying this site... Maybe there would be someone who can enjoy the pics...
  14. 6th evening... 7th and 8th day... My favorite... Fethiye Blue Lagoon... A paragliding activity during 30-45 minutes approximatively in the sky. This man is not me of course... And the final shot from the 9th day, coming back home...
  15. First day evening... Day 2, 3 and 4 it's Bodrum... Sea and a momentary shot of the sky... A boat for the daily boat trip, visiting 5-6 natural bays... ( not the photo of Berlin but this is for Sjors... )
  16. I entirely enjoyed at the vacation... Roads, sand and sun... Not too hot, not cold... 30o- 38oC / 86o- 100oF... Time to time some light freshening breeze... Departing... Road and car ferry for 30 minutes and 6-7 hours of car driving...
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