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Everything posted by EJ_L

  1. Either way is acceptable. Can you measure across the deck on your plan sheets to see what that dimension is? If it is the same width then I would add the shims and if it is smaller than sand the deck down. As long as you keep the hull shape and the fairing of the bulkheads true then whichever method you choose is fine.
  2. Planking looks great! I really like the blood wood accent you put in there. I have quite a bit of it out in the wood pile. May have to rip some down and see what I can do with it on a future build. I know that feeling of being ready for planking to be done. The first couple hundred planks is exciting, then the next couple hundred are routine and monotonous but those last couple hundred are tiring and you just want to be done!
  3. Yes, the window is one of my favorite things too as my last spot was down in a dark basement with no windows and little light. Now I don't need nearly as many lamps on. No fear, that clean desk will soon be back to its normal cluttered mess. I like to attempt to keep things organized but too clean means nothing is happening and that is bad.
  4. Moving and setting up is going well. The new shipyard is almost ready for work to resume with La Couronne in her place and the area for Soleil Royal ready to go. Still have a lot of work to do throughout the rest of the house and the wood shop is no where near ready but we are happily in the new house and hopefully in the next few days work can resume.
  5. Those tool boxes are most excellent. Beautiful work and a great way to store your ship yard and tools. Looks like your plankng is off to a good start on the deck. I am becoming more and more in favore of skipping the trenails also. Unless you are working in a very large scale they can easily look too large and overwhelm a model. Plus as I have seen pointed out on a few discussions, most treenails would not be easily visable as they would be plugged and that plug would be of a very similar color to the surronding wood instead of the often modeled black. I think you will be happy with that decision in the end.
  6. Brian, that is a good plan and is sually how I glue my planks as well. Just keep the wood glue spread evenly and thin on the plank. This will keep ot from pushing up between the edges and making a mess. A little goes a long way.
  7. Looking forward to your return when the weather warms up. Enjoy your time with your other hobbies till then!
  8. Whatever you are doing and however you are learning to do it, the finished result speaks loud and clear that you are doing it right! Learning about the ships, the people who built them and the people who crewed them, in my opinion, is just as fascinating as building the ships.
  9. I have used a horse trailer in the past. They do work great for moving. Got a different trailer lined up this time though. We had a few of our smaller tool trailers lined up at work that are low to the ground and have a ramp on the back. Plus they are fully enclosed so no problems with the weather. Been moving truck loads after work this week and as soon as I am done eating dinner I'm taking another one. The big push has to wait till Saturday but getting all the smaller stuff during the week is helping. Well, I guess I better get off of here or I will never get it done.
  10. Liberto, Incredible work! I just read through your build log and I must say that you are building a fine model. Top notch construction and the details are amazing. I will have to keep following along to see the rest of your build. Well done!
  11. Just checking in to say that the move is going good. In fact, La Couronne is making her maiden voyage, under tow of course, to the new ship yard today! She will have to take up a temporary berth though for a few more days but if all keeps going well the new ship yard could be open early next week. As I am on vacation from work to do this move starting this afternoon that is my plan to take a couple days and set up the new ship yard and wood shop. I'm looking forward to getting back to work!
  12. Indeed, a big welcome and bigger thank you for supporting the site! I am looking forward to seeing your products and hope to do some business in the near future!
  13. I thought about using one of our semi trailers from work as I can drive a big rig but, withoit a lift gate, that is a very high lift for some of the furniture. Just going to have to be my good ol truck and trailer and probably a Uhaul truck also. I did manage to get in another hour of tying rat lines tonight. Not much but every little bit adds up! It was a nice chance to relax from work before resuming packing.
  14. Thanks for the luck, I'm sure it will be needed. I've moved a lot, especially while in the Navy so this is familiar territory although, back then I could fit everything I owned in the back of my truck. Now I can't even fit the entire shipyard in there!
  15. All of your fittings look like they turned out very well. Good choices on making them. Looking forward to your next update!
  16. Thanks everyone for the compliments and likes! It may be a couple of weeks before I get another update on the build. We start moving to the new house next week so while I am trying to squeeze in an hour here and there to build, most of my free time this week is being used for packing and various other tasks that I need to do and after this weekend the shipyard will be packed away to move. Hopefully I will only be down a week or so. When the updates resume I will have to new yard up and running and will be ready to make some progress!
  17. Finished running ratlines on the first half of the foremast shrouds tonight. Counted up and there are 180 clove hitches that were tied to complete it. Only had a couple get loose on on me towards the bottom so while annoyed, I'm also rather happy about those results. Now to rest my eyes so I can do the other side!
  18. Well done on the griffin! Better than what I can currently do as my carving skills still leave a lot to be desired. Some red eyes would look cool on it and add a little something unique. Looking forward to seeing the rider modified and mounted.
  19. A trained octopus would be an enormous help! I'm still hoping for some scale robotic sailors that could fit on the ship and run their own rigging.
  20. Tonight saw the completion of the foremast shrouds. Now I can start running the rat lines across them which is of course another slow tedious process but really, what is not on a model ship? All the time and effort will be worth it though once they are done. I guess I better get to it!
  21. I don't think the middle roof needs to be shingled. The round roof makes sense since it is curved the shingle would do a better job of sealing it up. On the center the roof is flat which would allow the wood to seal up nice and tight without the need of a shingle layer. I think I would leave them the way they are. Those dental molds of your decorations look great. You are going to have some nice fittings I'm thinking when you are done.
  22. Good to see you back and with a little more progress. Great job on that bowsprit and I too like that slipway.
  23. That is just fine as I have the rest of la Couronne to finish and Soleil Royal to build before that one. Plus, I'm all for waiting so that a kit can be updated and improved upon. Whenever it is ready we will be here waiting!
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