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Everything posted by Overworked724

  1. Longboat looks fantastic, Will. Wouldn’t worry too much about the sills. Once you e got the carronade sleds, tackle and rigging, rope coils and whatnot....you will be lucky to see the trunnels in the deck planks! 😂 Enjoy your. Trip, shipmate!
  2. I just measured using a caliper and straight edge with a drafting pencil (sharp as hell point). Once the line was drawn, I placed the plank against the edge of a wider plank of the same thickness as a backstop. I took a small metal ruler and glued 800 grit sandpaper to the back. Then I put the metal ruler along the top of both pieces lining up the edge of the rule with the cutting mark. The sandpaper keeps them from moving. Then I used a #11 blade and ran it gently down the line a few times...the lighter you press the more strokes is required but you don’t run into issues with the blade catching any cross grain and screwing up your cut. Then I just cleaned up the cut edge with 1000 grit sanding pad. Later on I managed to get an old plank clamp but I thought the above method gave me consistent results. Think there’s probably some great methods out there...but I had the same problem. Good luck!
  3. Still pecking away at the interior bulkhead planking. Work has been distracting these past few weeks but thought I would send a couple pics. The fixed sheave blocks actually look fairly decent when viewed from the exterior of the ship. The trick is getting good clean interior planking around them after they have been set in with glue. You can see (red circles) that I’ll still need to sand down the bulkheads about 0.5mm or so after I’ve completed the planking. This will also ensure the sheave blocks are flush on both sides. Sigh....more sanding in my future. Moving on!
  4. Looks great, Jamie! Coming along very nicely. The sanding never seems to stop, does it? 😃
  5. A shipmate from my ship model club was liquidating some of his stock. I jumped at it...but I was on a waitlist for good unfigured Swiss Pear from Gilmer Woods. It’s rare but they are pretty good. I get boxwood from them.
  6. Yep. It almost cycles through a 90 degree angle from vertical at the stern to mid ships then back to vertical. I used those soft plastic clothes pins a lot as well as the modified binder clips. Made it easier.
  7. I finally got a stash of Swiss Pear wood! It’s like an early Christmas!!!! My desk furniture awaits my Christmas Holiday break!
  8. Yes I did. If it has a ‘curl’ or upward swish at the bow, you will get crowded quickly and the planking becomes quite difficult.
  9. I think the 0.025 rope from Syren looks great. Nice job on the long guns!
  10. Pg 10 of my build. Great stuff. I used my patented finger tip applicator (finger) on most applications. 🤣
  11. Looks about right!!! My primary weapon was the finger clamp and old episodes of MASH while I waited for the carpenter’s glue to set. 🤣
  12. Justin, I think your cap rail turned out sparkling. Tricky fit that. I think it looks splendid! Very clean build so far! Like how nicely your wales turned out, too.
  13. You can apply tung oil after you’ve sanded. But you can add coats later after finishing too. Tung oil is versatile. 😎
  14. No...I’m not dead. Just busy. Work hitting me from all sides. Glad to be busy...wish I could afford to retire. The Admiral would love to throw me in the ‘Shipyard Brig’ and feed me under the door like the Count of Monte Christo! 🤣 But she’s happy knowing I’m in the shipyard...where all worldly stress melts away to be replaced by stresses of a different kind.... Where time stops in the shipyard as it proceeds at its normal pace outside the door. My personal little universe of impossible problems followed by brilliant solutions...of horrible failures followed by miraculous recoveries...of stupid ideas born out as ingenious discoveries... ...This royal throne of an armchair nautical historian, this sceptered workbench, this studio of majesty, this seat of Poseidon’s memory, this other Eden, this demi-paradise, this galleon built by History just for me, a bulwark against infection and the hand of worldly concerns, this little heaven, this precious bay set in the silver sea of troubles, and serves as a defensive moat for this beloved house against the envy of less happier people... My blessed plot... My earth... My realm... My...SHIPYARD!!!! (compliments to Shakespeare’s Henry II)
  15. Bloody Awesome!!! Seriously...I think I just peed a little in my excitement. That is simply brilliant!
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