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Everything posted by Overworked724

  1. Your build is looking fantastic! I find myself sometimes comparing my work to other builders whose work I could only dream of...it doesn’t stop me from loving this hobby or the modelers on this site! Everyone is so supportive and the feedback always positive and constructive. It’s the community of builders who will always help you progress...and put wind in your sails with a kind word! 👍🏽 I think you are doing great.
  2. Still plodding along. Taking my time on the deck due to work conflicts but making steady progress. Thinking ahead to the haws holes and prepping the rudder pintles and gudgeons before I jump into coppering. Also thinking into how I want to make the carronade blocks which hold up the carronade. Those little laser cut pieces are not homogeneous...I think I can do better.
  3. Totally agree with you on this one. My job has been pulling me in multiple directions lately, and the time commitment to 'get things done' on my Syren has been a bit of a challenge. Kind of hard to start-stop-start in spurts and sputters. I actually was looking at starting a side project as well to give my confidence a bit of a well needed boost! Take a break and enjoy your hobby!
  4. 😆 So happy that I could add some support, Dave! Not like you need it. Beautiful work.
  5. Great tutorial and stellar work. But I’m not certain exactly what you mean at this point. Having a hard time visual what you were doing after you formed these closed served hoops.
  6. Well....that’s the problem. I joggled 3 planks on either side a bit and I was doing pretty good, but my margin plank was glued in. Lesson learned. It was at joggle #4 that I noticed the spacing on either side was off. I think when I glued in my margin I had created a slight shift in alignment. If the margin isn’t symmetrical on both sides, the joggling is asymmetrical...something I was NOT really aware of. Again, some good experience and useful for next build. Honestly, I could rip it all off and start over, but I’m so close to done, I’m curious to know what it will turn out like. 😊
  7. These were the ones I used. They aren’t silver so much as pressed carbon I think. ***correction...the A/O stands for aluminum oxide. I’m an idiot. 😂
  8. I got them direct from Dodeco. https://www.dedeco.com/browse/113/AO-Thin-Discs-Dura-009s/
  9. I'm interested to see your iron bands! What will be your plan of attack for these?
  10. Well, for good or ill I’m in it for the experience. Good Lord knows I’ve been practicing and have thought up a couple useful ideas to hopefully eek out a good result. 🙏🏻
  11. If you microwave the piece while it’s bent across a former (I used a wood block) it holds its shape really well.
  12. The whole process of nibbing and joggling the planks really makes me nervous. 😣 Hipexec was one build which avoided this part and his build was stellar. Just rethinking it...the whole idea of those itty bitty corners fragmenting as I try to cut in the sections makes me cringe.
  13. Took a break from work to put in the remaining sections of the margin plank. Was all excited...until I measured the remaining planking widths at the various frames...and of course, the starboard side measures slightly narrower (about 1mm) across the main section of the ship. I’ve been measuring constantly, and it’s fine at the extremes (stern and bow frames), so not entirely certain where the discrepancy lies. Probably when gluing the margin in there was some ‘minor give’ (straightness) in the plank which I removed by pressing into the bulkhead curvature. Live and learn!!!
  14. I do have some cherry...but thought that color contrast would be no different than using the Swiss Pear. Maybe it’s worth cutting strips for the pear and cherry to compare to the two types of boxwood. 👍🏽
  15. Not a bad idea but my options are limited. Pear wood be too stark a contrast and I refuse to use basswood. So at the moment I am planning to use the same wood as the margins but will go ahead and cut some strips from English boxwood to compare.
  16. The one thing that bothers me is the margin plank and the planks themselves are considerably different in tone. The castello boxwood the margins are made of is slightly beige where the planks are cut from English boxwood which is more yellow. I hope the color difference doesn't stand out too much...regardless...will continue to press on...
  17. Agreed - those plates look awesome. Same question - how are you adhering these to the ship?
  18. Plodding along. Decided to stop overthinking and used some vinyl striping tape to nail down the center line. The thickness of the tape makes a good backboard which you can use to set in the initial center plank. You can see below that I gave myself a bit of a gap (~ 1/64”) above the faux deck at the transom. Makes for a clean seam when setting down the planks at the stern. Made sure I carved out my two mounting holes (which will at some point be hid by gratings) and the two mast holes. Better to do it now rather than later. 👍🏽 Moving on....slowly!!
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