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Everything posted by Baker

  1. No fishing... This painting is about the armada. When it turned out that the planned invasion of England was not going to happen. The horses needed for the land war became obsolete. The solution was to throw the horses overboard... cruel time, the 16th century...
  2. Small update Glued the "flukes" (triangles) And after lots of careful filing and sanding i have this result It looks pretty much the same as in the book
  3. Time to think about the next Opelbus. Box and content. And, i almost forgot that I already had an Opel bus 😇. A model from the company Archer in resin. Judging by the numbering, it must have been built about 25 years ago. This model was made of a single block of resin and 4 wheels. This one gets a small update and becomes an amulance bus
  4. I am now building an English galleon. post 1 contains an index. maybe you can find some info there. see link in signature And you have a pm 👍
  5. I think these Tatras are designed befor this opel bus. and a time before the German invasion of Czechoslovakia. Their technical knowledge was highly regarded (Tatra : cars, trucks Skoda : tanks). Maybe the opel bus is influenced by the Tatra design.
  6. The windows are in place The interior is painted The chassis and body are glued together Added some extra details. Wipers, rear-view mirrors and some extras on the roof. The model is ready for painting
  7. Well seen. The opel bus could well be related to Tatra. But I do not think they where family 😉
  8. Only one vehicle of this type of bus would have been used by the Whermacht. For transport of officers. The original intention was to transport passengers between cities. The seats in the rows are angled at 45 degrees to give travelers a better view outside.
  9. The anchors and accessories First study about how they might have looked like. Source the Gresham ship (top right) and the Mary Rose. And sketches of anchors, anchor buoy anchor david, blocks. The anchor david One of the Mary rose has been recovered. He should have remained afloat for a while after the sinking of the ship. Where it will come on this model, no idea yet. The anchors are made of 3 layers of styrene (total 2.5mm thick) After cutting, filing and sanding, this is the provisional result. The shank of the smallest is still a little too thick, I just noticed in the picture.
  10. The next build log is about 3 Opel Blitz buses and 1 Olympia. General info about the Opel Blitz in WW2 http://www.kfzderwehrmacht.de/Homepage_english/Motor_Vehicles/Germany/Opel/Opel_Blitz_3-5-36_-_3-6-36/opel_blitz_3-5-36_-_3-6-36.html Bus 1: box and content Start building. Hooray, no flash this time and parts that fit Chassis and body Interior started installing windows
  11. well done. indeed, with models like the Mayflower and the Golden Hind, no one can say you made a mistake. but you can never claim that you are doing it the right way. Haha 😉.
  12. Good progress. Nice build log, and in the right place 😉 groetjes, Patrick
  13. Nice model Jack I also had cataract surgery. It takes a while to heal. But with a good lamp as a help, I can now do my modeling without glasses 👍 Patience, and everything will become ok
  14. The "supporting structures" These are knees. Types and how to remember. Hanging knees hang one the ceiling. Standing knees stand on the floor. lodging knees lie horizontal.
  15. Very nice work. Seeing your build, makes me think to give a card model like this a try.
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