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Everything posted by reklein

  1. Very nice project, Keep up the good work.
  2. BlueJackets Constitution is a very nice kit. Good size. Solid hull with planking over and many well detailed plans and castings.
  3. While its true the viking age was 1100 ad . There are rock carvings in Scandanavia that depict those type of ships as early as 1300 BCE. Its an easy Google search.
  4. Its really interesting to see discoveries such as this. It also makes me realize that this ship is a result of centuries of ship development before this one went to the bottom. Viking ships were depicted on rock carvings dated to 1100 BC. As we say out west "this wasn't their first rodeo".
  5. Jarod,I too have that same set of plans that I bought at the museum ten or more years ago. Wonderful plans and very complete. I just haven't made the time to build it. Quite a story about that repliccas travels too.
  6. My grown daughter paints rocks and Posca Brand paint pens are the preferred brand in that hobby. They give a nice sharp fine line. They are then sealed with a clear coat to stand outside weather which probably won't be needed for interior work. I would give wood a clear coat seal before any fine line painting is done.
  7. Red alder is good furniture wood. Tight grained and hard. Also takes stain well. Often used by furniture factories for kit furniture and cheaper things like end tables etc. Pretty hard for model wood but stable. Turns nice and if traeted right can be left on the ground for about 6 months for spalting which gives nice color.
  8. One way to keep the chainsaw kerf from using up all the wood is to not cut widths any smaller than your bandsaw can handle. If your bandsaw will take 6 inch wood than don't cut smaller than 6in. with the chainsaw.
  9. I really like that big framework,It will be a shame, kinda, to cover it in planking and metal.
  10. HA! our statement "I'm in Europe or I would send you photos " immediately brought to mind the question ,"why would that matter?' Then it dawned on me that you meant that you're not at home and don't have access to the subject. Minor point but it sorta startled me.Sorry to interrupt.😊
  11. I think it doesn't matter which way the tree was growing as far as the grain is concerned for an individual board. If the grain in the board runs even a little diagonally you'll want to plane into the falling grain side. If you flip the board end for end you'll have problems regardless of where the boards position in the tree was. BTW tree grow from the bark outward and only taller from the new growth on the tips of the branches.
  12. I'm gonna guess Obechi. Specially if its a european kit wood.
  13. My reasons for simple paper models are twofold.😄
  14. Mind your fingers, please count them before and after every use.
  15. Hey Windships, Note that Knightyo is in Boise. There's a pretty active bunch of model railroaders in Boise and I'm sure there must be a few cross modelers among them. Can't tell you where to start though,maybe look up NMRA members online. I'm in Lewiston about 250 miles north ,I get down to Boise about every five years. Most of my modeling freinds are north in Spokane.
  16. Those are good saws I had one for a few years then bought a new one at home depot. Turns out the home depot one had identical trunions and table top. They were both made by Emerson electric now based in China. Clean up the top with steel wool and Naval Jelly and then use a saw top dressing after. Hopefully you got a good parallel guide with it.
  17. My first guess was an old Sterling kit. I didn't know they were so big thought. Thats gonna be a great kit to motorise.
  18. Actually the theatre is the most basic of kits and has no power at all. The locomotive looks way more complicated. But I agree the fit and design is very clever. I may disassemble mine and put some color to it.
  19. I see these advertised regularly on FB. I also bought a small kit directly from Hobbytown shop in Spokane WA. The one I got ,the Theatre, tok just a few hours one afternoon. Kinda fun.
  20. LJP, while you're up in B.C. try to get to Osoyoos toe see the Osoyoos desert model railway. Its a really nice commercial model rr mostly MArklin but quite large. Cost is about 5$ canadian. Also while in Penticton go ride the Kettle valley RR nearby in Summerland, which still has an operating steam locomotive. Lots of attractions and uncrowded. Also don't forget to try the wine from the Okanogan area. Wonderful stuff.
  21. Frankie,Those sails are wonderful, and I agree that it would be cool to see the technique for making them, not that I would have the TALENT for doing them. Also Natural does not equate to wether something is acidic or not. You'd want a substance to be naturally non-acidic. A person might be able to render stains non-acidic by treating them with a basic substance.
  22. Nice work,interesting to see your motorizing setup. One can almost hear a honkytonk piano in the background.
  23. I may have mentioned this before but in Penticton BC there is a fully intact sternwheeler,the Sicamous. It has a steel hull and is a lake boat but the classic lines engines,rigging and cabin are all there and intact. She is hauled out and is quite the attraction being fully preserved.
  24. Check the University of Oregon's historical society for a catalog of plans and articles which cover steamboats among other things. You'll have to do a little Googling.
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