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Everything posted by reklein

  1. Try pouring some shot into the hull till it feels right. Then solidify it by pouring in some epoxy.
  2. I musta glued my stern pieces back together about 10 times. I haven't been anywhere but in the shop under the A/C. Was 104 here today. I'll put up some pics of my planking. I JUst closed up the hull today. Oh,BTW the stern gets much stronger once you get it all together.
  3. I'm gonna stick with the Viking ship as it really is a lesson in planking. I've built a few ships and am having a little trouble with the Syren. The planks are small and narrow.
  4. I think the Billings Oseberg Viking ship might be a good place to start. The planks are all spiled and laser cut for you. You have to be very careful and take your time, but , seeing you are already a model builder and understand the use of tools you should be able to handle it.Theres a couple build logs on it too. But its straight forward and the pieces are large.
  5. Excellent cabinetry, Thanks for the little video. I have a friend in wood working club who makes those nice boxes.
  6. Great Bounty build Steve ! That's a great choice you made for a first R/C plane. With your skill in building things you shouldn't have much trouble getting it done. One thing tough, be sure to get an experienced R/C flyer to check out your plane and test fly it . Then get him to teach you to fly it. I can guarantee failure if you try to fly it yourself. That model works great on floats too. On another subject , did you build your tool boxes I see in your studio pics. They are really handsome.
  7. I'd leave it as a representative of where you started.
  8. My biggest build was the GPM Arizona in 1-200. Took Years to find the time to finish it among other projects. Learned to make railing from wire for it. Then made a dozen or so planes including a Stuka, Mig, F-86. and a B-17. Did some heat forming of clear plastic salvaged from bubble packs for the canopies anad nose bubble. Lots of fun. I've got a stash of paper kits too. The Missouri, a large Japanese ship, a Shipyard Bellona etc. Won't live to see them built probably but I might try. Lot easier to collect than build. I thought getting old took a lot longer than it has.
  9. I love card models. They have a lot of character, both ships and planes. I kinda like the fact that they come with the finish already done.
  10. You've been busy, I'm only about two thirds of the way through planking on the siren.
  11. I like how you're doing the tuck in thee stern. It becomes quite obvious where the stealers will go.
  12. I have broken both the flat piece and twisted the handle off the screw. I made some plastic washers to replace the flat pieces. Right now I'm more worried about closing up the space with an even umber of planks. Next few days will show. I got a couple extra books on the subject. Also I'll be saved by the fact I'm going to copper her. So as long as she comes out smooth ,I'll be happy.
  13. The upper planking is done,and the garboard and two lower planks installed. Now to measure in the rest of the planking. Should be fun , just need to be patient.
  14. One of my college profs. had a sign in his office that said "Good things come to those who wait, as long as they work like hell while they're waiting". Looks like you've done your work Mr. Pucko.
  15. Try Prieser model railroad figures. Germany product. probably be 1/87.
  16. Heres my modern high tech solar and wind powered plank bender. Capable of six at a time. Planking has begun on the Syren. Mostly just building in the air one plank at a time. Using CA and kicker.
  17. One can remove any finish before gluing and you can also perforate a sealed surface with a pin, that is poke a whole bunch of little holes in the wood to allow whatever adhesive to penerate. Used to do that on oil soaked R/C model airplane wood to get a few more flights out of the plane.
  18. I would have recommended basswood as the outboard shapers need quite a bit of cutting back. Look ahead in the book to see how you get that nice rounded stern. Also be careful in your vertical alignment so you'll get that nice outward bulge that I missed.
  19. I'm pretty sure the stern will stiffen up as you start to plank. There is also a diagonal that goes under the outside layer of planking to bolster the stern.
  20. OK here are some poor photos of my stern framing. Chuck was right, very fragile. I'm just about ready to start a little planking.Lots and lots of small pieces of wood.Am using an exacto razor saw and miter box for most. For the gunnel blocks there are some 40 identical pieces for the gunport uprights those I cut on the scroll saw.
  21. Holy cow !!! That first pic in the series gave me the impression that a large fish had died on your work table and only the bones were left. Then I continued looking and found a wonderful piece of workmanship.
  22. Supposed to be nice on Sat. again David. Be sure to take in Whitebird days on Sat. You have to play horse poop bingo.. You but a piece of tapea and put your name on it and stick it on the street in Whitebird. If a horse poops on it during the parade you win half the money collected. The other half goes to the local school functions.
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