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Posts posted by RGL

  1. Considering how much even the really expensive aftermarket leaves out requiring even more internet shopping, I'm not going to go larger, as I have lots of spares now, yet alone the storage space required. It might force my hand into buying an airbrush as well which I have been putting off. This scale shows detail without the bulk.


    Happy to watch others tackle the big stuff!

  2. There is a special room in hell for the designers of the aerials on the dreadnought. The kit comes with spreaders, and I see most people try and use stretched sprue or thin metal wire, but trying to be consistent I used the ezyline. The first attempt came out like this.



    A little more thought and going cross-eyed because of the scale, I came up with this. post-253-0-90498300-1472435829_thumb.jpgpost-253-0-22302600-1472435837_thumb.jpgpost-253-0-08612000-1472435842_thumb.jpgpost-253-0-10247300-1472435848_thumb.jpg


    And hopefully I can end up with this. post-253-0-17857200-1472435849.jpg


    I just have to attach them under tension now. Then I can finally ad some more rigging, and back to making progress.

  3. Welcome back old boy! Most of the painting is done, but I did spend a good hour today searching for a prodigal lamb of a periscope that went into orbit, and my employer demanding that I put in an honest day's work. My youngest saw me searching the floor said; "you've lost something"

    "Yes mate"

    "I bet it's important"

    "Yes mate, otherwise I would not be on my hands and knees looking for it"


    As it eventuates, it was 6 inches away, not on the floor, and the hour I spent mentally preparing the email to Flyhawk begging a replacement was not wasted as the floor is very clean.

  4. Moving along, as I don't have enough of the Pontos barrels, I have to use Flyhawk ones, which require a bit more reduction of the North Start 12 pounder's barrels. Not hard, just tiny. Then adding the small pieces of photo etch to the side of the guns on some tape for stability. I will paint and add the flywheels off kit so they don't just blend in. post-253-0-27457800-1471750012_thumb.jpgpost-253-0-18271300-1471750022_thumb.jpg .


    The main guns fit nicely but the brackets for the trunions require sanding back so the top and bottom of the turrets sit flush. post-253-0-46355000-1471750148_thumb.jpgpost-253-0-68417900-1471750151_thumb.jpg


    Then there is some small pieces of etch that represent the turret rings, which require bending of the 1mm brackets upwards so they sit flush. post-253-0-59136400-1471750231_thumb.jpg


    Finally the ladders for the front of the guns and the periscopes. The tops of the turrets are going to be painted separately as they are a darker shade of grey. post-253-0-93801800-1471750309_thumb.jpg


    I have now painted them all, but in the process of adding washes and drybrushing to bring out detail. Once that is done I shall post again.

  5. Things will always go flying off, it's a natural hazard. Use some 1000 grit sandpaper and sand the whole hull back and redo. Enamels and acrylics don't play well together.


    The thing about this scale is corrections often don't work, ill of term plan to do something then realise when it comes to the point in the build I have to execute that plan it is impossible as its too small to achieve without ruining all that came before. As such one does what one can and moves on.


    On my Emden I attempted to use some Vajello paints and they just would not work. Don't give up, attack from a different angle.

  6. Onto the big guns. As they really are the thing to draw the eye on a model, there is a lot of detail required. If you compare the AOTS image to the kit provided gun, there is a lot of work to do.post-253-0-70181200-1471480688_thumb.jpgpost-253-0-60921500-1471480693_thumb.jpg


    As I got both upgrade kits, there is not a lot of overlap, and the Pontos stuff is nicer, but Flyhawk gives you resin periscopes, compared to using the blobs provided by Zvzeda. As such lot of reduction and sanding to do. The 12 pounders will all be replaced of course. post-253-0-70913600-1471480698_thumb.jpgpost-253-0-19550400-1471480704_thumb.jpg


    Pontos provides a full barrel and trunions, where as Flyhawk has plug in barrels. Pontos it is. Neither kit has enough 12 pounder barrels to meet the full complement, but with a combination I can get there.

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