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bruce d

NRG Member
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Posts posted by bruce d

  1. On 8/18/2022 at 2:01 AM, Canute said:

    Nice when the weather's nice. Not so hot when it's raining or sleeting.

    ...but that was your seat whatever nature throws at you. As I understand it, outside seating was even sold on the longer routes and it was entirely up to the inside passengers (who had paid more) whether they would allow any of these 'top riders' inside even in the hottest or wettest weather.. Hollywood doesn't address this often.

  2. 15 minutes ago, Mirabell61 said:

    Thanks for sharing your techniques here. I love your combination of wood, brass and reinforced raisin with glas fibre.

    You definately are an artist with brass sheet metal and the soldering of it. The boats and the  electro chemical build up of thear skin is fantastic.



    Well said Nils. We are watching a master at work.

  3. 1 hour ago, Blue Ensign said:

    For myself I am guided by L.G. Carr-Laughton (Old ship Figureheads & sterns)

    This is what he had to say on the matter.


    In 1771 an order was issued that henceforth ships should have their names painted on their second counters in letters a foot high, and enclosed in a compartment.


    In 1772 the order was amended, and the name ordered to be painted without a compartment in letters as large as the counter would permit.

    It has long been thought that in 1778 these names were ‘rubbed out’  again on Keppel’s initiative. This is only partly true, they were rubbed out only from the ships in Keppel’s fleet, and only for that one campaign of 1778.


     The large letters continue in use until after Trafalgar, but in the closing years of the war apparently the name was painted small in a little compartment; and not long after the peace it was entirely omitted.


    Thanks, that is clear, but .... at the risk of thread drift, was there anything that specifically covered ships/craft bought into the RN after 1778? In a fleet, such a vessel would potentially be surrounded by ships with their names displayed in one or other of the styles discussed above and it seems likely that conformity would be expected. 

    Anything known about this specific point, such as deference to local command preferences?

    (Possibly this would be better in a dedicated thread but here we are, sorry about that.}

  4. Just an observation: Gorilla as a brand offers several 'wood' glues besides the original urethane bubbling stuff. If the Gorilla Wood glue on your model is PVA based (it will say somewhere on the label) then it can be softened with IPA as described earlier. I have heard the Gorilla range now even includes a seccotine product.

    Good luck, hope you keep us up to date with your progress.

  5. Hello Costas, 

    Welcome aboard!

    Britannia is a popular subject and I am sure you will find someone here has useful advice.

    Can I suggest you post a bit about yourself in the New Members Introduction thread?  Link New member Introductions - Model Ship World™


    A build log will also get attention on your project, that is a great way to chat to other people who can see your progress.




  6. 12 minutes ago, Blue Ensign said:

    I'm not sure whether Silkspan is now available, there is ModelSpan in 12gsm and 21gsm, a quick search will reveal quite a few UK suppliers.


    Thanks, I have not used either so must ask: are they the same basic material? It is useful to know that you have used the ModelSpan but the processes described are used on Silkspan, I am wondering if the ModelSpan material would perform in the same way with the same results when the same processes are used.


    I like the results and would like to replicate them. 👍to Ron.

  7. Alan, you have made something very nice, well done. Also, you may have started something.

    Here is an astrolabe that was illustrated and described in the Nautical Research Journal vol 2, issue 1 (1950):





    An astrolabe is not on my to-do list (well, ok, you got me thinking about it), but there is an equinoctial sundial creeping up the queue.



  8. 9 minutes ago, the learner said:

    Did you have the plans printed up at kinks or did you do at home? I think several copies of pages 3 & 4 would also be a good idea.

    I originally had a set made at a local print shop which I cut up and scanned on my home setup. After some jiggery with the resultant scale issues, I printed off whatever was appropriate for the bits I was working on: card, paper, mirror image etc.

    Before I pulled the trigger on the re-start I had a new set printed full size. So far, I haven't needed them but we shall see ...



  9. Next, a dry-fit and final fettle of the frames. Passed the test, time to get the glue out.


    Frames were marked with WL and checked.


    Fitting the frames dead squareDSCN6701.thumb.JPG.4669680b0efa1e7b17893a6b9c4487c5.JPG

    Spacers were cut dead square from some stable stock to fit snugly between the frames. The method used was to cut a piece that was a snug fit where the frame meets the hull former and then cut it in two, one piece for each side (good old Byrnes saw).



    All frames for the main body of the hull in place, square and rigid. The stern-most frames which form the shape of the cabin were worked to shape and tested but set aside until later.


    Second deviation: The plans call for part #14 to be made as two identical but mirrored pieces to be mounted (how is not explained) at the stern. Thinking about the fairing and planking ahead this seemed fragile so … I made this as one piece and cut a slot for it in the stern. I thought about doing this on the bandsaw at the same time as the rest of the slots for the frames but decided to do it after all the frames were glued up so I could study the lines and shape more closely and do some of the fairing of this ‘new’ piece #14 off the model.

    The part #14 as drawn:DSCN6711.thumb.JPG.ee018a39b49bb6b61e0aea1af650243b.JPG


    My single piece version:DSCN6715.thumb.JPG.a39ee0b4f57f34a5d04f71f1386a3580.JPG


    I put paper templates on both sides of #14 and marked what needed to come off top, bottom and sides. Copied the angle of #14 relative to the WL and set the disc sander accordingly. Steady hand and baby-steps, looks like it worked well.




    Glued and screwed the now beveled #14 in place against wood fillers, should be strong enough to survive my attempts at fairing.


    Fairing is coming soon, first I have to dry fit the cabin frames to the top-side to get the stern-shape straight in my head. 

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