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Tim Curtis

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Everything posted by Tim Curtis

  1. In case anyone is wondering, the water is some gesso texture paint (to create the larger wave patterns) on an mdf board . Then I create the smaller wave patterns (rippling) with PVA glue pushed around with a brush. Then spray on a coat of gloss varnish. Finally tiny bit of gesso again to create foam (and fill in the small gap around the ship), but used very sparingly. T
  2. Nearly finished on this one. Just a little bit of rigging thread left to add. And a some flags. And a few extra details... I find working at 1/700 scale very very difficult. Particularly anything involving paint. But if you put the model in a nice box...it seems to look ok! Will post some better quality photos when the model is finished.
  3. I feel like this kit is crying out to be made into a diorama... Like some of Justin Camarata's...see photo below!
  4. Fantastic! I am waiting to purchase this kit once normal US Postal service to Australia resumes. Look forward to watching this!
  5. Thanks Mugje for your encouragement. I like your Pegasus build. Looks like a great kit - that you are taking to the next level.
  6. Quick Update. Decking and rails installed. Painted the longboat. Name letters added. Once again discovering that the hardest thing to manage is paint.
  7. Rob, Thanks for your encouragement! I sometimes think ship modelling is not the ideal hobby for someone working six days a week and with kids. Its usually an hour or two late into the evening activity for me...which makes progress slow. Hope ministry is going ok in midst of lockdown. Prayed for you this morning. Are you still at Corsham Baptist (I found you on their website)? Your Ethalion is just splendid btw! Tim
  8. Larry. I just made these hooks out of copper wire. I think it was 0.5 or 0.6mm diameter. I form the hooks using round nose pliers filed down to a small enough diameter. Sorry for being so slow to respond. I took a break from this website for a while. Tim
  9. Great job on this kit by the way. I am currently building it myself. And I really like what you did with yours! Tim
  10. Dear Bishophobbies, Any updates on this project that you are able to share? I am currently building the same kit, and its really helpful seeing what others are doing! I think you have done a brilliant job with it by the way. Its a beautiful model! Tim
  11. Really like what you are doing with this kit Moreplovac... Keep up the good work! I am currently building the same kit - but adapting it quite alot. Its helpful to have this build log as a reference. Tim
  12. Just beautiful. Love it.... Quick question. How did you make the letters for the ships name MERCURY. They are very delicate and look great! Tim
  13. Please do go ahead with this!!! I have this kit on my shelf...and would love to see your progress. Tim
  14. Update on this little project. Reminder that I am building this as a British Brig of late 18th century, not as a Russian ship. (The Master Korabel design is not based on a real Russian ship. There are no historical drawings of the Russian ship Phoenix to base a model on, as far as I am aware). So I feel free to improvise!! I have completed the coppering of the hull. I have finished the treenailing on exposed timber. Beginning to install some moulded rails. Using a neat little scraper I purchased from Falconet's website to give the rails a profile. Note I am not using the material provided in the kit for these rails. Poor quality pictures taken on my phone...but give some idea of progress.
  15. Dear Wefalk, Thanks so much for sharing your secrets with us! The results look fantastic.... Maybe I need to buy a milling machine....but might struggle to explain to my wife that it was a necessary addition to the household in order to make 1mm blocks. By the way I love your Wespe armoured gunboat project....it's beautiful. Thanks, Tim
  16. Gregory. The blocks that I have made are 1 mm wide.
  17. Dear John Fox III That's really interesting solution! I really like it. Can I ask what sort of models you used these on? Were they 20th century boats or earlier? Or all different sorts? I think I will use/adapt your approach. THANK YOU! Tim
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