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Robin Lous

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Everything posted by Robin Lous

  1. Congrats! She looks stunning! I guess the paint stayed on in the end? Robin
  2. Great to see a build log of the Batavia! When I finish my current build I'll start with the (more humble) Duyfken from Kolderstok. Robin
  3. Even though I had this little monster sitting in front of me for ages...I never took notice of how small the ram actually is. It's just 3 centimeters long! So I grossly overcomplicated my ram construction plan. What I had in mind is plain silly for this tiny little ram! Yesterday I ordered a sheet of 0,2 mm thick bronze to replace the copper I have now. When I get it I cut a strip that goes over the ram from the bow to the keel and I'll clad the sides with it...that's it. Folding the edges...I skip that idea...the thing is just too small for that. I also ordered ammonium chloride to get that typical weathered bronze green patina, but maybe it's nicer to leave the bronze as it is. To be decided. So still nothing to show, but I found the missing photo's, so the topic is now tidy again. Robin
  4. Probably a bit, but it's fairly easy to stain copper with chemicals, so I can always create new or more weathering. The construction of the ram is very basic. I use this 1st century AD bireme ram found on the bottom of the Black Sea as an example. I'll clad the sides of the ram with copper sheet and a strip with folded sides like on this photo to cover the edge and tip of the ram. This simple (cheap and lightweight) design was probably most used on light ships....like mine.
  5. A new plan de campagne...What's left to do? -The haunted blocks, I'll make them again and store them behind barbed wire and a minefield until I need them. - Attach the yard and do the rigging. -The 2 steering oars. -The ladder. -A temporary base to place the oars neatly. -Place the oars. -The ram. -Other stuff I can't think of right now. I presume it's best to start with a couple of fun jobs...the first will be the ram! The copper sheet after a year outside....after cleaning. It was completely covered under a thick layer of dirt. Nice natural patina! Well...here I go again! More soon! Robin
  6. Thanks guys! Apart from the photo's taken during my vacation last year on the first 2 pages and 2 others down the road all photos are back! Uploaded them to the forum and put them in the right posts (I hope)...I hate untidy topics! Was fun to read the whole thing again. Small ship on a long and exciting journey! Robin
  7. I tried to edit my previous posts to add all the photo's again. That worked for the last couple of pages, but at some point it says I can't edit a post because it's too old. Such a pitty. When someone like to see older photo's...give me a shout and I'll show them in a new reply. Damn you Photobucket!
  8. Hello guys, Sorry about me being mia for a while. I had a "frustration break", I lost momentum when these blocks disappeared from my desk. It's also very sad what Photobucket did...I won't pay $400 per year to show my photo's on a forum, but it ruined this topic big time. I still have all the photo's of course, sadly not here anymore. It's back on my bench now, so...more soon! Robin
  9. that's a gorgeous trieres! Edit: Daniel...perhaps give the guy the link to this forum. I'll love to see his future bireme build come together. Robin
  10. On the Dusek website the 1/72 Knarr model is 58 euros....not 88 Also....within the EU economy shipping is fairly quick and much cheaper. You can check my build report (link in my signature) about how pleased I am about Daniel Dusek. Imho both his products and his customer service are outstanding. Robin
  11. Welcome aboard Ted! Robin
  12. Welcome aboard Len! Robin
  13. The wooden blocks arrived today! My more or less forced break didn't stop me from buying stuff left right and centre. More books...can't have enough books! Name plate and extra cannons for the Kolderstock Duyfken, drill bits and a resin ship's boat....also for the Duyfken. Last but not least...a "Keep calm and carry on" poster. For the fun of it and to remind myself of my shipyard duties. The wooden blocks are very nice, but I still need to shape them a bit to what I need. Bigger hole, they're a bit too thick, so I'll sand them down to the required thickness and I'll sand them to the teardrop shape I need. Probably more work then remake the lost ones from plastic sheet, but I guess plastic bits are frowned upon, so it's okey. Back on the job now! Robin
  14. Tamiya. I don't like the Vallejo primer. I also hear good things about Mr.Surfacer, but didn't try it myself yet. Edit: Nothing wrong with airbrushing on the dining table. A piece of cardboard is all you need to protect the table. I did that for years without painting the living room in all sorts of RLM colours. The Admiral even liked it when I worked there...now she's complaining about me hiding in my cave! Really...airbrushing (with acrylics) won't leave a mess and it won't kill the family. A fairly decent compressor won't make much noise either.
  15. Guys...when you use Vallejo acrylics with same brand airbrush thinner, you can airbrush indoors without a problem. And no need to do it in a dungeon either. It's non toxic and it doesn't even smell bad. Just fire up the heater a bit and you can airbrush without a problem. When it's comfy warm the humidity will go down also. The admiral only complains when I use a rattle can with basecoat or varnish....both smell and I'm not sure about how healthy it is to use it indoors.
  16. Harder & Steenbeck....great stuff! What brand of paint you plan to use?
  17. I'm not yet convinced I can do justice to a large and expensive kit, so I'm not even looking at them. It's not persé the money, but I don't want to start something I'm not ready for. That will only result in frustration and an abandoned build gathering dust. Slowly going up in skill level...and price of the builds. Bireme €55,00....trireme €120,00...Duyfken (with extras) €225,00. That feels about right I better don't keep track of what I spend on books, tools and whatever more I (think) I need.
  18. Welcome aboard Jim! Robin
  19. Welcome aboard Craig! I look forward to see your Titanic build. I'm still dreaming aboat building her sister ship, the RMS Olympic with the stunning WWI dazzle paint scheme. Robin
  20. Yeah...it's completely my own fault (so glad I put the finished oars in a box...in a drawer...a "me only" drawer), but we had an argument over it. "but...I thought!?!?!" "you can think anywhere...but please don't think in my room....just don't!...it's my little place" "but...but " "ok...get your coat...we go to a restaurant" "yay!" "from now on...grape seeds are BLOCKS...at least in MY room! "aye aye sir!" It really was my own fault...my desk IS a mess! ( but it's my mess!) I now ordered ready made blocks (with more "stuff" of course!)
  21. Disaster struck! Remember these? The 23 blocks I made (I need 17 of them)....They're gone Today I was ready to attach the blocks to the stays and to the receiving end...on the deck and to the sides of the ship. I made my coffee...cleared my (messy) workbench and was ready to do the job. The small plastic cup (until last week) with them in front of me...on the cutting mat....with tools, glue and whatever. Only difference...the cup was empty. No blocks....gone! "Darling? you have an idea what happened here?" "Those grape seeds? I threw them away if you don't mind" "Oh...please...say that's not true" "What?" "My blocks!" "Your what?" "Took me days to make them!" "They looked like grape seeds" "Never mind " Sigh!
  22. hiya EJ! Yeah....the difficulty is...we (the Dutch) have the odd habit to feel superior, because we used to bully half the world with our infamous VOC. We find it hard to realise we're no longer on top of the food chain, so we keep pretending...against all odds and reality. Aren't we cute? About Facebook....search for my name. Friends and family are my wooden ship adventure cheerleaders. When I tried to explain....it's not a good idea to slam a bottle of champagne against the bow when finished...they simply claim the bottle to drink! (clever gits!) It's tough to be Dutch! ....specially since we have to deal with the Dutch each and every day ourselves!
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