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Everything posted by zappto

  1. Very clean work, beautiful cabins. I see ship is getting nice shape. Will be nice to see it all painted!
  2. Hi all, thank you OC, B.E. Doing some progress on the lines, rigging is taking a lot of time. Few photos.
  3. Hi all, thank you Mark, Patrick. Was working on the standing rigging. i have noticed all lines in this old kit are the same color, which i really like. Few photos this weekend work.
  4. Hi, thank you David, Stevetuck56. Started working on the yards, thought i still need to finish my standing rigging. few photos. Work going on!
  5. Hi, really nice shape of the hull, did it carry fish there? very good planking!
  6. You chose real beauty to construct. I am sure you will handle this huge ship. Good luck!
  7. Hi all, thank you OC. Work is going on, rigging is really fun thing, for the rest i made rope ladders. Few photos.
  8. Hi all, my work on the rigging rising on the masts. This weekend work. Few photos. My simple tool for rigging made of tiny brass.
  9. Thank you David, OC, Mark. Glad you like it! Still working on my shrouds, third mast. Now i think i had to place yards at first, before ratlines, stll not sure... Few photos.
  10. Looks like very tiny pieces, doing just incredible work. I could never have so much patience.
  11. This is really interesting ship to build. Old fishing boats have its spirit. Your progress of the build is incredible. I will join the crew!
  12. Hi all, thank you Ferit, Scott, Joshua. Work is going on. Fixing ratlines , this job needs a lot of patience, made two lower masts. Decided to make new Chests for hiding my wires, will make them look half opened. Today is one year of my build. Few photos.
  13. Will be a really big ship, can see it hardly fit your table. Lucky you noticed your hull problem and solved it. It will be two layers of wood on the hull?
  14. Looks majestic ship, all collors just shine! Mast will be pleasure work after all hull.
  15. What a beautiful ship Confederacy, hight class build. Hms prince looks just stunning! It is scratch build? never sow a kit for this ship.
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