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Everything posted by zappto

  1. Thank you for kind words. OC, they should place more attention on the long boats indeed! Work going on the lanterns for the ship, i will scratch build them and will place Pico led inside. I got Pico led warm white, but it looks like it is very cold, lucky they do not heat and is possible to paint them, i will use yellow or orange color to get warm light. Work on the lanterns are so small, it takes a lot of time. Few photos full size ship.
  2. This is clean looking work, all seems neat! Now you have nice shape to work on. Why did you paint front part black? It will have doors there?
  3. Hi all, many thanks David, Jim, Ferit, OC, Mike for nice comments, it is nice to hear you like it. I was working on my long boat this week. All i got with the kit was nice wood hull, no ruder and rows. I still think how should look second rowboat holder, which should be on first boat, not sure what style to creat. Few photos of this week work. Pre made parts. Creating rudder. Wrapping rudder. Painted boats.
  4. This is a pleasure to watch, so neat work, all is hight level!
  5. Very nice start! I usually do sanding first, later place wood filler where it is needed.
  6. This is very detailed longboat! I am in the middle of my life boat build, my boat given by the kit is far from the thing you can use! In the middle of the boat i see a part which is rotating, why for it was made?
  7. Very beautiful longboat build, you made it really detailed, does it have oar set for every bench? You will make rudder?
  8. Thank you Oliver, David, appreciate that. Still working on the 5th half deck, creating all the railings and ladders. Lights are working now, will try to make few photos later. Few moments. Placed little pins to keep them in place. Small parts painted. Before varnish. Painting ornaments. Wrapping in wood back wall. Light test. Deck furniture.
  9. Very nicely done. As your first model, i can say your work very fast. You will use some varnish for finish?
  10. What a beautiful job, can see very detailed job you done!
  11. I will wrap wire around the holder. Still not sure if i will paint it. Hope it will not be eye catcher.
  12. Thank you all for nice words. I keep working on the stern lights, i want to place little led light in them. Had to drill little hole for led light to enter the light and also removed a piece of metal inside the light. Few photos. Before. After.
  13. You chose very interesting ship, does it come with already made sails? I will fallow you work. Good luck!
  14. Thank you David, Scot, appreciate that. My work skills not so good, but i try to solve the problems. This is the kit not for beginner, a lot of tricky places, really hard to handle ! I am glad i have build one ship already. Got this kit on ebay, I liked it because it is old time galleon, that era of time was gold age for Dutch. So today working on stern, all gold pieces need sanding, repaint, a lot of detailed work. Few photos.
  15. Interesting, very nice design old dutch yacht, will join your crew, keep good work!
  16. Wow, you made really nice progress, keep showing photos, looks nice job!
  17. Beautiful scratch build, always nice to give own touch!
  18. Thank you OC. Good to have a kits you can share parts. While it is still cold few winter sea moments.
  19. Beautiful progress, nice gold fits rich dark blue so much! Good work!
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