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Keith Black

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Everything posted by Keith Black

  1. Drut, welcome to MSW. Welcome aboard, enjoy your retirement.
  2. All the tools, bits, and pieces Magarkus purchased at the suggestion of the MSW crowd packed up and ready to head for the lookout tower.
  3. Glen, congratulations. I'm sure you'll figure out a way to reattach the mizzen sail to the gaff.
  4. IMHO a basic set of X-ACTO knives and a good pair of sewing scissors is a necessity.
  5. Welcome to MSW. Wishing you great success with your first build.
  6. Thank you to all for the kind comments and likes. I said in my last post that I had to catch up on some chores around the house before continuing work on the Tennessee. The chores are done but tragedy struck and has postponed efforts for the foreseeable future. My son passed away last week from a massive heart attack, he had just turned 49 on his last birthday in early March. I had always meant for the Tennessee to go to my son when my time on this earth was over but now, I don't know. The point of everything has gotten a bit sketchy as I'm adrift in a sea I don't understand how to navigate. This isn't the way life is supposed to happen but with God's grace I will overcome and continue on. One thing that has helped me since his death is my MSW membership. Being able to log on and see what my MSW family was up to has helped take my mind off the pain and sorrow. Thank you to each of you for being here, thank you for helping me carry on. God bless each and everyone of you. Keith
  7. Yes, pictures please.
  8. Neil, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  9. A cradle of some sort, nothing that would detract from the model. Or maybe just left to rest on its keel, washed up on some timeless shore.
  10. This model should be kept in "as is" condition including dust. Absolutely nothing needs to be done to it IMHO.
  11. Chris, welcome to MSW. Treasure that relationship you have with your father. It's a gift not given to all.
  12. Lollipop lollipop Oh lolli lolli lolli, lollipop, lollipop How sweet it is! What an incredible opportunity. Thank you so much for sharing your tour with us, Brian. Isn't it amazing how things work out, somedays you get chicken and somedays you get feathers. You definitely got chicken. It's neat that you were able to take visual notes of the bow reinforcement plate and will be able to incorporate it in your build. And way cool to come away with an actual piece of the Cairo.
  13. I've decided that when it's time for the water to go in to call it "penguin time".
  14. Bitao, the stove is a beauty but then the entire model is magnificent.
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